Coffee Tea Me or Free Money?

in #steem6 years ago
This is supposed to be a short simple post

All You Can Get Here

was free and it was me!

(this post is pseudo-pointless, I've just always dreamed of having a job I could do in my underwear at home!)

I survived a heart attack

(but this post is not about that)

in October of 2015. I was uninsured so did not seek medical help and also I did not know I had suffered a heart attack and heart damage and I grew sicker for the next 15 months. Fortunately I was approved for Obama Care Medicaid and was admitted to a hospital for an angiogram and diagnosed with congestive heart failure. My lungs had almost completely filled with fluids and I was suffocating and thought I had lung disease because I could barely still breathe. After diagnosis and therapy and treatment I owe a giant thanks to Dr. Ejaz Kamboj, my cardiologist. He kicks ass and takes no prisoners! I was awake during the whole operation that's how I know! So forgive me for taking the opportunity to say

thank you Dr. Kamboj

again. I can never thank you enough!
It is not and never will be known the exact causes of my heart attack other than it most certainly was due to a blockage in a coronary artery and was somehow unblocked probably by my hours of extreme screaming and writhing across the floors and all over the house! (4 days in a row)

Wanting to be healthy and stay in shape

(this post is not about that either)


and hating regimental anything including exercize I have managed to to devote more effort to stay fit!

And so I've noticed that

the most outstanding posts have an outstanding picture.

(this post is more about this)

A picture doesn't have to be good or bad just to stand out.

​But this post is generally about social media and technology in our new millenium and this platform more specifically. We are all struggling to be part of the new virtual world springing up into existence as well as maintaining our pursuits for happiness in all the old traditional worlds and ways and we have yet to know exactly what the hell we are doing. Social media is an animal in the making and it's hard to know what it's supposed to look like. We don't know so we must learn and we are creating something as well learning how and what to use it for. And it will look like however we build it. It feels very awkward at this stage for me.

On this platform there is an incentive to be rewarded for my input but so far I've made less than $20 in 2 years so I'd have to say my motivation is not very financial based on the past (but I do have hope for more success in the future) but rather more like facebook in just having a site to showcase my pictures and ideas for free. But this is also a good forum to practice and improve writing and communication skills. And what guarantee of prize awaits if succeed in doing so, the keys to the world? There are many other potential uses I have thought of and hopefully one is a killer but if I told you I'd have to kill you.

Top quality content such as blockbuster movies and the like are produced at major costs involving millions of dollars
and cannot be matched on a platform like this can it?
Not by me because I've never been an artist or writer!
There is basically no barrier to publishing on this platform save the hardware and internet access to create posts. For all practical purposes it's free to all. Big deal. It's hard to learn how to use it.

I am confused by the fact that we only can be rewarded for 1 week for a post and that might be because I'm mistaken but I think that my posts are never really finished because they could always be better and need to be revised whenever possible and updated and improved but if you don't get rewarded after the first week why bother? I don't really know how to describe what I'm trying to say but it's sort of like STEEM is a new type of vehicle and I'm trying to drive it but I can't find the gas pedal or stick shift, I can't get the kickstand to stay up and the steering wheel is too loose and keeps slipping as I try to turn! And on top of all that I don't know where the hell I want to go?
But basically, this post is an experiment to test my theory about photos and upvote success on this platform. But personally, I imagine revising and rewriting my posts a hundred times to make them better because I like them that way and what do you do repost an old post with your new changes to get paid? Seems like a worthy goal and people might be trying to explain it to me but like anything else, you are unlikely to learn until you develop an internal reason (motivation) to want to learn and seek out the knowledge. If I ever figure it out maybe I could make a good social media coach (consultant) for hire? And why must this be done? Why must we continually keep pushing on ahead relentlessly in the never-ending quest for betterment? It is probably a benefit that when we try to improve even though we frequently fail to improve at least we manage to maintain and not perish! So in preparing posts a certain level of technological know-how is required at least to know how to drag and drop a photo and input text but usually requires and grasp of fundamental computing and how to setup a computer and install operating systems and applicaions, etc.

In addition to leveraging skin in my photos to attract attention I am also incorporating some trick words that trigger a reaction in your brain such as free and money also as a cheap trick to attract attention to this post but I ultimately am seeking to create a dialogue on the discussion of money and freedom and how it is involved in all of our lives and our future on this planet. After spending all of my time writing this post I was unable to curate and read your posts so with that being said I haver my doubtrs about how this plkatform can succed. It is also very difficult and cumbersome to edit on this platform. It sucks! I think so far this is the most exciting time to be alive in my lifetime. This is an interest I would assume everyone in the world to naturally have so it's pointless to state unless that was a false assumption.

I refuse to be condemned to never having made a better than shitty post! This post is getting posted but is not finished but I have no more time to invest so away we go.