Its interesting that I hardly see anyone outside of Steem talking about Steem on Twitter. Most trader accounts will chart bcash and ripple, but nothing on Steem.
I wasnt here for the beginning of Steem, but I suspect people trust the platform less than ripple and thats saying something.
The other side of me says hes just either ignorant of the options or doesnt care to find out. After all crypto twitter was "moving to investfeed" when accounts were getting shadowbanned.
Or just lack of promotion from the community and steemit. I think all 3 issues are equal in blame.
I would say he doesnt care to find out. The guy has more money than he could spend in his life. He has no real reason to seek it out. Especially Steem as it is competition to his Twitter business. You never promote competition.
Posted using Partiko Android
You never promote competition, but someone in his position should always be aware of what competitors are out there and how they are handling their business. Otherwise, they could be left in the dust. Just look at Blockbuster, between Redbox and Netflix anything they tried was too little too late.
Btw Jack just did an interview on YouTube with Gaad Saad. Was much better than the Rogan interview if youre interested.
Posted using Partiko Android
I agree with your view point. It's kinda sad to see a lot of people looking for cryptocurrencies with great caseuse but outrightly ignore steem. They claim its a haven for bots and for people building stakes, yet they use purely speculative tokens for the exact same purpose. I think, just like you've mentioned, the fault Is ours. As great as this place is, promotion brings the attention.