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RE: Real Talk: The Future of Steem

in #steem6 years ago

Passionate statement and I like your enthusiasm, about the whole Steem project/ecosystem.
I think no one has all the answer to safe this blockchain, but I think and what you were also trying to say is, that everyone can be part of the solution, do his little part, for the greater good.

The problem I see, is a lack of coordiantion and management. As we asked yesterday for some1 to step up and take over the projectmanaging role, some said they want, but are not capable or confident doing it.
And I think it is true, because most of the ppl here are not entrepreneurs, they are motivated and would do a shit load of work, but dont know how.

This brings me to the lack of (crypto)education, this starts with the differnce beteen Steem and Steemit Inc and goes to what is a blockchain and beyond.
Also the understanding of different cultures, methodologies, ways of working/learing/thinking and so on.
When ppl want to work together there must be an understand of the other and when ppl only meet online, with no real commitment, it is hard to make a project running that is sustainable.

I like the idea that yesterday came up of work packages and (work) proposals. I also think there is a need of role/task definition for example for the projectmanager by the ppl who have exp in this field including the com.
Then there should be something like a process development and I dont mean that this work should not be done by programmers.

I will stop here, because I am not sure if any1 will read this, but whoever is intrested... :P