Shit, fix this shit or your tokens will be worth pennies, @ned!

in #steem6 years ago

all we asked for was FAST FREE ACCOUNT CREATION, @ned, not a super-advanced-over-the-top-expensive-imaginary-aircastle-of-a-megaproject-you-can-not afford!

Your problem is that your mind wanders from this project to that project to another idea and hire and fire people based on emotions while not listening to what the community wants at all.

all we asked for was FAST FREE ACCOUNT CREATION

I don't care what line of steem-code or whose steemit-butt gets hurt to just fix this simple little demand from literally everyone and their grandmothers.

we just wanted to grow steem with people we know, and their friends of friends, organically!

But no, first you have to do this and then you have to do that and then we must accept this and you are already working on something else. YO!

all we asked for was FAST FREE ACCOUNT CREATION, @ned, not a super-advanced-over-the-top-expensive-imaginary-aircastle-of-a-megaproject-you-can-not afford!

Just turn into a steem-wallet with login to different 3rd parties front ends using secure methods of autenticity and liabilities. It is not our fault you wanted to run as a steem-faucet.

all we asked for was FAST FREE ACCOUNT CREATION, @ned, not a super-advanced-over-the-top-expensive-imaginary-aircastle-of-a-megaproject-you-can-not afford!

In other words - do this fast, free account creation thing we all agreed upon, and do it right. Or your tokens will be worth pennies, @ned!

Do that first, then we talk about all the other things you want to do, and we will select one of them and you get to do that one great as well. How about that?

all we asked for was FAST FREE ACCOUNT CREATION, @ned, not a super-advanced-over-the-top-expensive-imaginary-aircastle-of-a-megaproject-you-can-not afford!

Shit, fix this shit or your tokens will be worth pennies, @ned!


Word up I agree!!!! It's almost like we are being treated like kids. Telling us about shiny SMT's when the real focus should be account creation. Without that everything else is irrelevant.

I'm with you 100% on this!!!! They have spent countless money and resources on straight bullshit instead of just tackling the biggest problem we have. I did a livestream on Vimm ranting about this exact thing. I'm glad I am not the only one that feels this way.

They provide everything what is needed so the community can step up and improve what they like to.
While ned focus on his stuff.

You all seem to expect a perfectly done and finalized system

go out and onboard a friend, @luegenbaron.

I know what you mean. But the problems I encounter are just not the same.
I have no problems with friends starting an account.
The problems occur more by them trying to understand steem.

Chill Bro..
The atmosphere and vibes are already fucked up

Nevertheless we need emotion. Good vibes. It's the best resource to achieve what's yet unimaginable.

We need a good mindset for development and community growth / interest in investors.

Good vibes? We need action

Don't wanna sound rude but good vibes is not going to fix this problem. The account creation problem is not going away until they actually make instant account creation. Trust me holding a wishbone while humping a rabbit foot is not going to help at all.

@mrviquez and @whatsup
So you're going to sit down with a bad mood and start programming? :)

I think not.
Especially not if your bad mood is because the current market and development

I'm not a programmer. Listen this shit aint rocket science. We dont need a while bunch of shinny whistles and trinkets. They are just fluff. Yes the things they are attempting to do is great but without instant account creation it is useless. They have spent tons of money on shit that they haven't even finished only to start another useless project.

I don't care about SMTs and communities and fucking Destiny without instant signups. Its almost like having a super model in your bed and right when its time to get busy your dick falls off... what will you do then sit down with a bad mood and sow ot back on.

I'm down with the whole positive vibes shit but I am a realist and live on planet Earth.

You sound very angry.
But I don't want to fight with you.

Look.. For only 3steem (which is at the moment ~1$) you get your instant account.
I agree that rcs make problems but the community is helping out with delegations (at least in the german part)

So that's no argument to say that everything's bad.. Make people jump on your bad vibe train.

You want Investors but cant imagine that the bad vibes at the moment won't bring new investors willing to believe in our project..

You sound like you live in Mr Rodgers neighborhood. Very sensitive. And younare absolutely right you dont wanna fight me. Remember I aint no programmer. Im from the streets you can come with you positive vibes anytime you want. Lets see if you have the balls to be in my hood. Oh and Ned doesnt need a dickrider

Dude. Atm we are on the steem blockchain not any hood.
The aim is to bring value not to cry because others do not..

Look.. For only 3steem (which is at the moment ~1$) you get your instant account.

...all we asked for was FAST FREE ACCOUNT CREATION,

...can you spot the difference..?

where on the earth is anything for free?
Just because a facebook account seem free to you, it is not.
You have to pay for everything.
That's even more so with newer technology such as steem!

Every place I've ever worked, I had to show up no matter what my mood was. I had to be professional and do the job I was paid to do.

but....but....but... that's different, - no smt's involved...

Well. That's your own fault.

Many have normal jobs, like you.
Others, on the other hand, don't feel like it. Go their own way. Do things because it fulfills them and voluntarily.
Not necessarily for money and because they have to.
Just because a person is not forced to do something does not mean that the result is worse.

Often it's even better, because people work with positive energy and enthusiasm instead of negative.


Want some sprinkles with those donuts?

Well it is pretty simple.
If people leave and nobody else can join easily what good is that?
Am I supposed to keep soliciting my friends and family? They and the general public don't want to wait 1-2 weeks for an account. There are plenty of alternatives that don't have the onboarding issues.
The easier it is to onboard the better.

You can pay 3steem (~1usd) for an instant account.
Telling that people just can't take part/ join is a bad lie.

Imho it was never cheaper to get involved.

Do you have spare STEEM to do that? Cause I don't.

If a friend of mine wants to have an account, then sure!
As I know my friends they would even pay me the 1usd..^^

I like the idea of turning Steemit in to a wallet which in turn creates an actual peer to peer platform.

Yes, number of new accounts creation has slowed down to tragic levels since HF20… :(

At this pace, there can’t be a happy ending.

HF20 became Hard Fuck 20

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

Think like this, @smidge-tv: @ned has at least $750,983.62 reasons to solve the problem. Much more than you and me. Let’s hope he’ll listen.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

Smoke? And Steem market ranking is above top 50 when we where at 32 position. Let's see after 7 days the power down and selling

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yes I agree with your.

But this time steem so very low which is no interestimg to work in this platform..

Well, that’s to the point, but right where the Steem Blockchain aches! Correct @fyrstikken, I have lots of time invested here and am worried it will go to dust...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Don't worry it will not go to dust. If it does just buy more.

Mmm, then I have more... dust? Who wants that!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Agreed. We want new users to join Steemit without hassle.

Posted using Partiko Android

Look.. For only 3steem (which is at the moment ~1$) you get your instant account.
I agree that rcs make problems but the community is helping out with delegations (at least in the german part)

So that's no argument to say that everything's bad.. Make people jump on your bad vibe train.

You want Investors but cant imagine that the bad vibes at the moment won't bring new investors willing to believe in our project..

I also agree that 3steem is not free..
But where is something free on this world?

a bitcoin address is free, how many do you want a million of them? Free Free Free. A Bank Account is free, usually your parents can apply for one in your name when you are named and got your id number so they can start saving in your name (that is what they hope), a Facebook, a gmail, a google, a twitter, a giphy, my gosh - everywere I look there is FREE ACCOUNTS!

Accounts should be free & Easy - The Majority Capital/Stake all agree on that. So shaddap!

It is everything your account can do that should have a cost. Except making more accounts for your friends etc. We all want more people - much more people.

Just because a Facebook account seems free for you, it is not!
Same for most of your other examples.
Steem isn't selling your data, nor doing ads, or any other business model like the known. Steem is different. And I'm happy with that.
And 3 steem still seem nothing to me compared to what I get for it.

I think one of the biggest problems is as followed:
People expect a finished product. Such as facebook or instagram or any other social media.
But they get infrastructure. People don't know what to do..

Would 3 Steem seem more for you if STEEM was worth $4.5 each? or $8 each? or maybe even a $25 each, not that we have been to $25 but we have been to $4.5 and $8.

So why do you post this now then?
Dont we have other problems now..?
We don't even know if steem is going > 1usd anytime soon again.. ^^

Posted using Partiko Android

Other problems? What other problems? I still cannot onboard my friends in a satisfactory way. A stranger cannot find a way to get to steem blockchain without buying an account or waiting for 4-6 weeks on which do not want to keep spending money on giving away free accounts.

I agree with them.

Imho you could have easily sponsored every friend of yours a fresh account..

@dragosrua @exyle read and join : faster registration is what can save this mess !tip this post @tipu

I always thought Hard Fuck 20 was about faster registrations, but they never did it. They just Want to create new tokens to be able to get more cash than already got from Steem. I feel RC was good because eliminated a lot of spam. But what I can not tolerate is firing the Team because that is a proof to me that the team lacks leadership and management and we are going nowhere

At first I thought HF20 will allow me to use RC to issue new accounts. I managed to have two pending claimed accounts.
It seemed really hard and not user friendly to create new accounts.
Sometimes your mind is wondering and ask "Have you learned anything lately?"
Keep on postin'

He needs to just forget about stupid SMTs .... Steem and Steem Dollars are enough.... we don’t need more alt coins .... we need less. Just simplify the sign up process so people can get in.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh surprise, D-live is leaving... story and I still don´t buy it.@ned How much did Charles Wayn pay for testing on all of us big time ? + 2M delegation package price ? How much did Steemit.Inc charge for it ? 1.5M, 750K how much was it ? I never bought the

MARCH 2017!!!

Enlighten us @ned, how could something like D-live happen without you knowing exactly whats going on ?

Highly rEsteemed!


 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

I too remember that @gaman. I remember that very well because Ned was on @SteemSpeak Voice and talked with the community, about 50 voice journalists/AMA people, and 6000+ Text-Chat/Watchers.

The majority user does not have enough to claim an account. If we are going to continue under this system, we need to print at least 10X - 100X more accounts then we currently make in order to set up registration faucets.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

I will take my chances that it is not too little or too late. But Action is needed. Action were we already have an agreement, but Steemit INC failed on delivering what they promised to deliver.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

Well, it is seen as "cool" by someone to disagree with me. Because I am rumored to be a crook, a scammer, a liar, murderer, violent, a whatever as long as it is negative and serve the cause of hating on @fyrstikken.

In the past you would even be rewarded in another token to troll, stalk and annoy me.