Don't worry Lasse, I'll be back with a lot more space-related posts soon enough for you to enjoy!
That video is hilarious though, really cracked me up.
However, I would have thought that after getting burned by BitConnect, you would have taken a step back and reassessed how clever it is to base your beliefs and convictions on what random people on YouTube tells you. You demand the most ruthless scrutiny of every video shared by a space agency, yet you take everything a YouTube truther tells you, and that fits with the beliefs you want to have, at their word. Can you say to yourself that you apply the same level of critical thinking to the videos you find on YouTube as you tell everyone else to apply elsewhere? When you've just seen scammers and frauds like Craig Grant and Trevon James make money on their videos, does it make you take a step back and ask whether or not you could have been fooled by other idiots on YouTube? Just seeing how you never provide any arguments to rationalize your positions, but always link drop memes and YouTube videos made by amateurs, I think the likelihood that you will have been fooled also by others is pretty large...
Alos, when you see how easy it is for an amateur to make a video where they insert random stuff, don't you ask yourself whether or not they could be the ones making fake videos? That perhaps they want to profit from having subscribers on their channels, getting funding through patreon links and other crap? Like the video you kept on posting to me earlier where the colours start to mess up on the ISS....
I suggest you take some time to ask yourself why you still believe all of these idiots.
Stop kidding yourself and others. You saw that people were making money and you wanted to make money as well. It is completely human and something many people have done mistakenly.
I don't think you actually believe yourself that you were only there to investigate... And if that is true, then it only makes it worse because of how irresponsible it was to promote something you knew was a scam.