Here's the way I look at if for me. What do I want out of Steemit? The money is nice but what I really want is for people to read what I write. And they do (As I write this, 14 people have read this post!). They may not upvote or comment on it but they will read it. If it really strikes a chord, they'll upvote. It's my job to start striking chords. I found to just have legible content and only write what excites me. It seems with Steemit 19 out people are a little more discerning with their voting (because you get less votes with power - that's the way I understand it.)
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How can you tell how many people have read a post? It can't be the little eye in the bottom right corner... because I have posts with say an upwards of 25 upvotes and 10 comments which according to that have only 1 or 2 views
Yeah, its the eye. Remember, this is Steemit. Some people will upvote without reading the post. You can post something and have 20 votes and 0 next to the eye. They just voted from the feed. Never opened it!
Yeah I know that, but there's posts I have that I know they clicked on it because I have more comments than I do views. Plus you said you see 19 views on this? I see 17, I think that there's something wrong with that feature.
Edit: I misread your post, as looking back you said 14 not 19
Yeah, man. Things don't always work right here. Right now my notices for feed and replies doesn't work.