
That's a very good trade actually. The U.S. dollar can be currently bought via an ETF that trades under the ticker UUP. I initiated a buy at 24.07 last week...altho I didn't steem it. But that's only becuz the dollar has already been short term roasted as you will see if you view the chart link I post. My target is 3% in 30 days...or a move to 24.75+ basically. We'll see if a small gain of 3% in 30 days (which even beats holding your dollars in your wallet, definitely beats a checking account :-)) ends up being a better return than holding bitcoin.

if you know the dollar is going down...then you have many ideas...BTC, silver. I think silver will go crazy if this is true.

Yes, silver would do quite well on a dollar collapse. Right now though, silver is "struggling" to get back up to where it was a short 5 weeks ago...even as the dollar is going through its own little short term sell off. I wouldn't be that concerned about a dollar collapse just yet because of that single "fact" alone. I listen only to what "the" market is saying.

Yes...right now the US dollar is the queen of the pigs....but long term it's still a "pig" waiting for it's turn to end. Don't think that "THEY" don't know about this and it's planned. But how and when is a question.