O.M.G DID STEEM HIT $ 5 + ... ? How far will it go??? To the moon and more??? [English, Spanish and French version]

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Oh YESSSSS it did !! Almost $ 6 !!!

I just wake me up and see that! Yesterday was a beautiful day but today it will be even more beautiful !!!
It's so good to see steemit finally get the recognition he deserves !!! Congratulations to you all for your blogs and your efforts!

I feel that 2018 will be the best year for STEEMIT and also for my investment in BITSHARES !!! ;).

The world of cryptocurrencies is new to me since 2017. But it already makes my life more beautiful !!!
And I will talk to everyone around me!
We must grow this beautiful family Steemit!

I invite you to visit this website : http://www.blocktivity.info/, Realized by a genius, who had a fantastic idea before everyone !!! His last project is a website that brings a new light to crucial data regarding blockchains and cryptocurrencies.

I have learned a lot of interesting information that can help me with my investments! Thanks and congratulations to @estefantt for its incredible project development on @blocktivity!

We are only at 48h in the new year and already we are seeing so crazy changes,

I can not believe it OMG !!!
I am so excited!

2018 is the year of cryptocurrency and steemit is only heading up !!!


Keep Steeming my friends

Oh sí, está hecho! ¡Casi $ 6!

¡Me acabo de despertar y veo eso! Ayer fue un día hermoso, pero hoy será aún genial gracias a esta excelente noticia.
¡¡¡Es tan bueno finalmente ver a Steemit obtener el reconocimiento que se merece !!! ¡Felicidades a todos por sus blogs y esfuerzos! ¡El trabajo siempre paga amigos! ¡Sigamos escribiendo y haciendo un buen trabajo!

¡Creo que 2018 será el mejor año para STEEMIT y también para mi inversión en BITSHARES! ;).

El mundo de la criptomoneda es nuevo para mí desde 2017. ¡Pero ya hace mi vida más bella!
¡Y hablaré con todos los que me rodean sobre este maravilloso mundo!
¡Tenemos que cultivar esta hermosa familia Steemit!

Los invito a visitar este sitio: http://www.blocktivity.info/, ¡Dirigido por un genio, que tuvo una gran idea antes que nadie! Su último proyecto es un sitio web que arroja nueva luz sobre datos cruciales sobre blockchains y cryptocurrencies.

¡He aprendido mucha información interesante que puede ayudarme con mis inversiones! ¡Gracias y enhorabuena a @estefantt por su increíble desarrollo de proyectos en @blocktivity!

Solo estamos en 48h en el nuevo año y ya estamos viendo cambios tan locos!

¡No puedo creerlo, Dios mío!
Estoy muy emocionada!

¡2018 es el año de la criptomoneda y Steemit recién comienza!


Keep steeming mis amigos!

Oh Ouiiiiiiii c'est fait !! Presque 6 $ !!!

Je viens de me réveiller et de voir ça! Hier était une belle journée mais aujourd'hui elle sera encore plus belle grâce à cette excellente nouvelle!!!
C'est tellement bon de voir enfin steemit obtenir la reconnaissance qu'il mérite !!! Félicitations à vous tous pour vos blogs et vos efforts! Le travail paye toujours les amis! Continuons d'écrire et de faire du bon boulot!!!

Je pense que 2018 sera la meilleure année pour STEEMIT et aussi pour mon investissement dans BITSHARES !!! ;).


Le monde des cryptomonnaies est nouveau pour moi depuis 2017. Mais ça rend déjà ma vie plus belle !!!
Et je parlerai à tout le monde autour de moi de ce monde merveilleux!
Nous devons faire grandir cette belle famille Steemit!

Je vous invite à visiter ce site: http://www.blocktivity.info/, Réalisé par un génie, qui a eu une idée géniale avant tout le monde !!! Son dernier projet est un site web qui apporte un éclairage nouveau sur les données cruciales concernant les blockchains et cryptocurrencies.

J'ai appris beaucoup d'informations intéressantes qui vont m'aider avec mes investissements! Merci et félicitations à @estefantt pour son incroyable développement de projet sur @blocktivity!

Nous sommes seulement à 48h dans la nouvelle année et déjà nous voyons des changements si fous,

Je ne peux pas le croire OMG !!!
Je suis tellement excitée!

2018 est l'année de la crypto-monnaie et steemit ne fait que commencer !!!

Keep steeming mes amis!



we are going above and beyond! and this is just the beginning my friends. Congrats to all of us to make this possible.

I couldn't agree more strongly my Friend! Please, everyone continue to spread the word on how great Steemit and the Steemit Community is! I'm telling Family, Friends and Clients! ALL THE BEST MY FRIENDS! :)

💃C'est une super bonne nouvelle. Tant pis pour ceux qui hésitent encore à joindre la plateforme. Quand je passe que j'ai multiplié mon investissement x 7... wow unbelievable

Hola buen año nuevo. Me gusta que manejes tu información en varios idiomas. Así es más fácil de captar. Creceremos en esta familia steemit. Me alegra tu entusiasmo. Ciertamente proyectemos cosas buenas y serán materializadas.

May be on sun ⛅

Have fun in the hope that you have accomplished .. I am new in this steemit want to be like you too,nice post @flamingirl

Welcome to the amazing Steemit family!!!!!!! Best wishes from FlaminGril!!! xoxo

Mabye it will go back down to its normal value , not to undervaluated but normal. But lets hope it will go up , or at least the value it has now .

Steem is 6$ already!


It's great to be on this platform

It's AWESOME!!!!!! ;)

I see you’re in STEEM and BitShares, but what about EOS?

Dan Larimer’s other baby. Check it out!

I have to check that. This world is new to me;)
Thanks a lot @forexbrokr !!

No worries :)

I agree with the above that Dan is a genius! 💙

Everything Dan Made should, must and will rally.

He is a Genius !

Este 2018 será el verdadero año donde se fortalecera toda la comunidad de steemit y además donde las criptomonedas tomaran su mayor auge en el mundo... Saludos @flamingirl

Saludos de Barcelonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;)

Congrats to Everyone !

Looks like Steem is heading well past $10 as the crypto world wakes up to sanity.


It was 6.20 $... but soon it go back there :)))

Steem is finally doing it's thang! It's sitting at $6.14 as I type this, but I believe it's potential to go even higher, is great. It's getting a lot of attention because of Steemit, and as Steemit grows, I believe the price of Steem will increase too. Many more users are coming onboard Steemit daily, and I'd love to see Steemit, and other Steem-based apps, take the places of YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

Rock On Steem and Steemit!

His work takes a good strategy steam stable steps towards the top.

awesome post @flamingirl I am new on this platform

I had the same feeling this morning. It was a refreshing wake-up indeed! :)

yes its now 6!

good one
keep it up girl

Oh oui c'est génial ;-) ! J' ai un peu abusé des mentions sur le discord de @francosteemvotes, j' arrêtais pas de dire le prix du steem ^^

I hope to be an investor like you at some point. Right now I am just taking it all in. Thank you for your personal experience about STEEM

muyy bueno!!!!!

This is definitely the year of crypto....
No doubt in my mind that it is going to explode this year. All my friends are finally getting interested...and now bitcoin isn’t such a foreign word. Good luck everyone

Happy for u,i wish i could say that about my self,though this the beginning of a new year ,i seriously need help

The world of cryptocurrencies is new to me too. I wish you all the best in 2018!

Party Time!! This is phenomenal news my Friends! Thank you so VERY much for sharing! The Steemit Community is the BEST! I strongly feel that this is just the beginning! It is going to be a phenomenal year for Steemit and the Steemit Community! Well deserved! It is such a kind and helpful Community! Positive Energy! Light and Love! Great Karma! Blessed 2018 my Friends! :)

2018 is starting out great and will be even better than last year.

Se que esta pagina crecerá exponencialmente!! Sigue generando buen contenido porque vas mostrando el camino que muchos queremos seguir , suerte en este 2018 !!

So nice, we all will rockk!!

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