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RE: @roelandp what did you do with the $3683 you made last week?

in #steem7 years ago

@roelandp did an interview with my daughter for her schoolproject about Steem. Maybe that's not much, but it is something.


was it your daughter ? haha i didnt know that.

hahahah wow, he does so much.

No, you're right posting a VEVO Youtube Foo Fighthers music video link on the blockchain is contributing much more to the Steem community than organizing Steemfest, where hundreds of Steemians from all over the world gather to meet, network, discuss, learn, grow and party!

Since you've gone from attempting to make valid points, to shilling bullshit, I'm flagging your comments.

Organizing one gathering a year, does not justify $168k/year (at these low prices).

Hey, his original comment was actually funny. :/

We do not have to agree on everything Bernie, I felt kinda left out until today. You've upvoted me in the past. But now, finally, after 285 days on Steem I got an official @berniesanders downvote.

Leave them. I won't change my position on this topic anyway. However, out of respect:

You're right, we don't have to agree on everything. I did, however, think pretty much anyone would agree that $168/year to organize a few day event is ridiculous and looks like a cash grab when he doesn't contribute in any other way here.

You are such a pussy lmao


This... This was bad

But now, finally, after 285 days on Steem I got an official @berniesanders downvote.

They Bern don't they?

Ok, I'll see myself out.

oh god

Sanders me, making these extraordinarily vomit-inducing puns.

I can post whatever the fuck I want you idiot, I'm not trying to become a witness.

lmao ded