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RE: ESTEEM: The Real Reason Steem Was Invented And Why You're Not Earning Rewards

in #steem7 years ago

there is a quote i found in a introduction post i read recently and i think it applies here:

What is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself...
source :

i guess if we are ourselves in the end the people will be more likely to follow you and interact then if we pretend to be something better then we are... (and most of us fall for that, thats why Facebook is keeping us entranced more then it should)
Just keep on working to be a better human being, so will I and we can support eachother by being ourselves


The problem with "just being yourself" is it is terrible advice designed to make you fail.

How long have men been getting (and, sadly, listening to) the advice from women in the dating world to "just be yourself"? Ever try it? Lol. Social interactions are a complex web of deceptions. Anyone telling you to be yourself wants (consciously or subconsciously) the gamer theoretical advantage of getting to not be themself while you are.

"Just be yourself" means "lower your standards to the point where they are already met, blame yourself for nothing, be willing to be happy with no growth." At least it does in practice, most of the time.

Not a great life philosophy. "Be better," is a much better one.

well, i was saying becoming yourself, its always a work in progress of betterment but striving to be perfect is giving up on something that just doesn't exist...
we must continuously evolve and get better but we will never be perfect

I agree with your thoughts. Didn't mean to seem like I was in disagreement, I just like to get specific with language.

+lexiconical That psychoanalytical part of us that subliminally seeks to help people reach higher than self, is often misunderstood. It does no good to apologize. Those seeking to be better will get it without offense. Those who need it most will seek to defend the work they need to do.
+felander I so agree that perfection is the enemy of peace, and a form of arrogance believing that the possibility could ever really exist. Many people never complete a task, or start one for that matter; because, the old demon Perfectionism lassos them into believing they can and will never be good enough.
To both of you,

Perfect: the enemy of pretty good.

Ha! So truth! I do believe pretty good and good enough are akin to each other.

Makes sense to me.