Really nice read man.
I also don't worry about the price, I keep the bigger picture in mind of what we are trying to achieve. My vision is a big social economic ecosystem based on Steem.
I think it's amazing what's been build on Steem since it's inception and I can't wait to see where we stand 2 years from now.
My hope is that in the next leg up in price the current holders of Steem will realize what they have a little bit more than last time and appreciate the value steempower contains.
The human emotions can get serious on Steem. I found a decent way of dealing with those although sometimes it can still get to me. But I do always make sure they never get in the way of my goals.
Thanks for a great read and keep building man!
I am hoping the same. once those who have been powering up can swing a little weight, they will feel much more positive about the future and their investment.
I take this as a good sign. People care and while for many it is about the money, for many there is additional aspects that they get emotionally involved with. I liken it to the reaction of gamers when they suspect cheating... "Hacker!" even if it is not the case.
Any time mate and I am trying daily :)