I always get a problem when I exchange steem into dogecoin. I sent 1 steem to blocktrades for dogecoin 3 days ago. I don't get my dogecoin till now. I think it is a scam.
what should I do ?
I use this site it is trustworthy : https://changelly.com/?ref_id=635c2f925fb5
Another I have 19 steem to sell . I will sell 1 steem for 700 doge.
Here is my dogecoin address if you want to buy 1 or more steem :
Contact me in email : lifekatiej@gmail.com
I will send you dogecoin address to send 700 dogecoin. Then give your steem name and you will get 1 steem .
While it may not be a scam in your opinion, it could be considered spam. Spam is not appreciated by the community and could be flagged or may result in action from the cheetah bot..
Some things that can be considered spam:
Very nice completion of post! @every
thanks you deepweb
It's part of the steemit platform, no?
It's a linked item in the menu.