Steemit is at $3.39
up from $0.16 last year...a gain of 1987%
er....wait...that's not a crash izit?
that's a fantastic gain...
But..but...the FUDPushers have been saying there's a HUGE crash happening.
They say crypto in tanking
the horror..the horror..
BitCoin is at $7,'s crashing...
last year it was at about
(is this right?) yeah it is...
it was at about a $1,000...
a gain of about 700%
What kind of crash is that?
The newz media can't count
(math is hard)
So what about
Ethereum is only at $753...
it's lost almost all it's value..
why last year it was at...
huh? this right?
Last year Ethereum was at
I can't believe it..
Etheereum has gained over Six THOUSAND percent.
in the last year.
and the FUDPUSHERS in the LameStream FakeNewz says is tanking?
what will they say next?
(#release the memo...all of them)
Hmm sbd has really dropped but we hoping that few days to come it would rise again
nope...SBD is supposed to be $1.00
that's was the plan.
give it until the end of the week
yeah, Forbes headline was about it losing half its value this year, if you took the media's investing advice you would be broke in a week.
ain't THAT the truth.
the FUDPushers are dinosaurs.
dead mean walking and they don't even know it.
Totally agree. I am not going to make the same mistakes my great grandparents made after the great depression. Money under the mattress is for days like today to become the next tycoon.
It's a pity that in other social networks like Facebook or Twitter there are so many bitcoin-haters (people who hate the blockchain but who only know Bitcoin). They really cannot understand what the hell all of this means, but they also allow themselves to be manipulated by the media.
Many people make fun of people who invest in the crypto market, and celebrate the fall, but really do not know that they are losing.
I am surprised to hear them say that Bitcoin is wrong because it is at $ 7,000 when less than two months ago it was valued at $ 6000 and it was higher than ever, obviously you have to put it in the context that at that time it went up and now goes down, but also it is necessary to clarify that this market is in excess volatil and as today can fall 30%, tomorrow can raise two or three times that.
Terima kasih informasinya teman
It's definitely not cool to see my blog post values dropping but I totally agree, it's not crashing. Looks like the overall market is recovering, we'll probably be on the way back pretty soon.
Then crypto is not crashing 🤔🤔
hahaha to scare us, good information that we do not fall into fear everything will happen
lovely piece
The sky's falling...the sky's falling...the sky's falling
Hahaha, thank you for making me giggle today. Great read, love your other stuff too, well and truly followed! Love Lali xx