Steemit is just a platform built on the steem blockchain right?
But why is it that you have to open a steem account using only steemit? There has to be another way and it should be made easier and faster.
Steem is an amazing cryptocurrency and I love it.
But to encourage more decentralized applications to be built on the steem blockchain and to encourage a wide range of users. There has to be a way one can open a steem account easily that would be connected to any website, web based application and decentralized applications that will use the SMT on the steem blockchain.
Steem.Ninja is delivering this and on we offer a number of alternative services for creating accounts.
Which means a steem based account is a steemit account.
That's where the problem lies because on most hype articles I read about steem, steemit is supposed to be built on the the steem ecosystem and steem based account should be connected to it.
Maybe if the initial vision had this in plan, then maybe steemit would have had it's own SMT and STEEM and SBD will be the currency for transaction on the whole steem ecosystem.
Dunno if you get my point.
But if there can be a hard fork plan that will deploy this initiative the steem ecosystem will become and amazing heaven where steem backed accounts are easily created to connect on platforms built on the steem ecosystem and also stand a chance to be rewarded in the SMT of that platform.
This will make it easy for twitter, facebook, instagram, reddit etc to adopt the idea of SMTs by making their users connect their steem based accounts to theses platforms where they can be rewarded with the platform SMTs e.g Facebook tokens There is a referal program where you are rewarded for new sign ups that sign up through your link!!@empato365 @baah, Get an instant Steem account at
Why would you need a hardfork to help people understand that Steemit is a interface for the Steem blockchain? Busy is an interface. Partiko is an interface. BTW you don't need to create an account. It can be done with the CLI wallet. Witnesses do it for people all the time.
With the lastest Steem hardfork, it allows any user with enough Resource Credits (RCs) to get people onboard. Dapps now offer sign up (, @blocktrades, @steemmonster…) and users with enough RCs can sign up users so Steemit is not the only app users can use to register Steem accounts.
Yeah. I've used that before, I had to pay $8 to open it and still buy steem to power up for resource credits.
Steem ninja is $2.50