You are right. The problem in 3d is that the more frames you have, the longer it will take. It has to simulate light and render every frame. This was 384 frames and took 13 minutes per frame to render. Hence the 83 hour render time. This video was 25 names... The next one will be 50, so that will take double the time. It takes a lot of resources, so I have to cut a little to keep render times low. I will try some tricks to get the next video a little more readability, but will probably have the same speed.
You are right. The problem in 3d is that the more frames you have, the longer it will take. It has to simulate light and render every frame. This was 384 frames and took 13 minutes per frame to render. Hence the 83 hour render time. This video was 25 names... The next one will be 50, so that will take double the time. It takes a lot of resources, so I have to cut a little to keep render times low. I will try some tricks to get the next video a little more readability, but will probably have the same speed.
Got you on the list!
Thanks, cant wait to see it, so i follow you now, that i dont miss it :)