STEEMIT RANKS EXPLAINED|What Does it take to Move from One Rank to the Next?|Newbies&Minnows Guide

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

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I recently signed up at website since a good friend has been very insistent on what a great interface it is for steemit, the goal was to try it out for a week or so then see how everything falls into place. So far so good, I am loving it. If you have been using it, you have probably noticed a user rank just below your user name which is what will form the basis of my post today.

Up until this moment, I hadn't given a thought to the steemit levels there actually are until I noticed I have been labelled as a "Plankton". Being naturally a really curious person, I took it upon myself to dig deep to know all there is to know about 'Planktons'! I have never been a huge fan of human classification, but if someone sees it fit to label me, I thought it great to be equiped with all the info there is to know about this particular class. To my surprise, the more I dag, the more interesting it got.

I know steemit levels is probably something most of us hardly think about, but you'd be surprised how important it is to be equipped with even the slightest details about a platform as important as steemit.

Technicall speaking, we all start/started at the same level. How you grow from there is all up to you. Your hardwork, determination and zeal is what makes all the difference. You can decide to start small and grow rapidly over time or start and skyrocket exponentially. It all depends on how much work you put in in terms of Steem Power, Curating, Commenting and basically building a community around yourself.

Some of the fastest ways I have experienced to build a community around myself are;

  • Facebook-here you can also connect with other steemians in Steemit Facebook Groups.

  • Instagram-Follow other Steemians to know their social skills

  • Twitter- Follow Steemians who post constantly for regular conversation

  • Steemit Telegram Groups

  • Steemit Whatsapp Groups

  • Snapshot- Steemit version of Instagram

  • Discord Servers - Discord is basically a chatting & voice app that allows for multiple channels within the same server. This is very essential as it helps to narrow down channels in terms of purpose.

Some of my favourite discords that are helping me gain an idepth understanding of steemit are;

Steemit Ranks..

Steemit ranks are meant to show us or classify where a user (like you and I) are on their steemit journey.
Its worth to note that the ranks are not in any way related to one's experience on the platform, rather, it is based entirely on the amount of VESTS one has. VESTS are a direct proportion to Steem Power.

Quick Lesson.

1.STEEM POWER doesn't really exist. It's not a token like STEEM as it's nowhere recorded in the blockchain,STEEM POWER is just an Illusion.
2.It's Simply a way of showimg VESTS in relation to STEEM
3.STEEM is just like any other cryptocurrency
4.STEEM Blockchain has only 2 units,STEEM & VESTS.

In short, STEEM POWER is simply the amount of STEEM an account's VESTS are currently Worth. For example, if an account has 1M Vests and those are currently worth 500 STEEM,then the account will show that it has 500 Steem Power.

You can check your VESTS at

If you have read my recent posts, Voting is Power or Curation Rewards Explained, you will notice I have constantly emphasised on the importance of powering up, building up your Steem Power.

With Steem Power comes influence, which results in higher curation rewards. With high Steem Power, you have an opportunity if not an obligation to genuinely curate good content.This would explain why majority (myself included),desire so much to be associated with whales and dolphines as their insane steem power translates to very high value upvotes.

With that said, let's dig into the current steemit levels and learn what each symbolises and what it would take to move from one level to the next..

1.Red Fish/Newbies/Planktons

Photo Credit

Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.These are literally all the qualities you will need if you are to move on to the next level.

When this level was introduced afew months ago, @arcage posted,

Before jumping into the vastness of the ocean and its competitive world,theres nothing like learning to swim with serenity

Steemitboard is glad to introduce the new Red Fish Level.

To be honest, before I started working on this post, I always considered myself as a minnow. From my own experience, I have come to realize the red fish/plankton level is still unknown to many & I am summing up 99% of new steemit users think they are minnows but in truth they are Planktons with 0 mVESTS approximately less than 500SP.


Fun Tips;

If you don't already know, 'minnow' is often used to describe small silvery fish which forms the largest family of fishes in North America. They are mostly fresh water fish and their habits differ for different kinds of minnows.

Photo Credit ; @yoo1900

Some are found is large groups whiles others are found alone or associated with only afew individuals.
Some like entirely cold water while others like both cold and warm waters. They generally require short breeding period hence they increase rapidly in numbers.

Talking of growth...

Steemit minnows have the greatest potential to grow each other if only they would work together.It only takes hardwork,loyalty,consistency & patience.

The thing most minnows fail to understand from my observation is, Whales were once minnows too who have built each other up.

My advice to minnows would be to surround yourseld with people who share in your vision so you can grow together. Minnows have between 1-10 mVESTS, approximately a minimum of 500SP.


Image Source
Dolphins are smooth and friendly creators. They are fortunately on top of their food chain and have very few predators,meaning not many other animals are able to eat dolphins. Though, sometimes a very large shark will kill and eat a doplhin,but rarely. Symbolically speaking, on Steemit, only a very huge whale would potentially destroy a dolphin with their powerful steem power, through constant flagging. To become a dolphin, one needs a minimum of 10-100 mVESTS which is equivalent to 5000SP minimum.


Gif Credits
One of the most fascinating thing I dug out about Orca's is,
Despite being called killer whales, Orca's are actually Dolphins!
Orca is the second-highest level of Steemit user, behind only whales.
To be an Orca, one must hold at least 100mVests approximately 50,000SP.


Whales are people who hold the most Steem Power on Steemit. Not Steem. Not Steem Dollar. Just Steem Power.
A whale has the power to make your day with an upvote or ruin your day with a flag.
Whales have more than 1000mvests, approximately 500,000SP and above.

6.Dead Fish

Like the term suggests, they are dead, in other words, inactive users. This are people who created accounts and left before getting the work done or they got started and stopped being active at some point.

Currently, majority of the users lie in this category in my opinion. From what I have gathered so far, most people become dead fish because they lack the basic understanding of how the platform works. It gives me hope that initiatives like @minnowsupport , #DynamicSteemians, #SteemitSchool etc have taken upon themselves to equip newbies with the much needed steemit education. It is relieving to know there are people workimg out here towards the same goal, mass adoption.

How to become a dead fish?


PS; The current period to become a dead fish is 30days not 7days as stated above, but don't worry, you will be alive and swimming once you start posting.

To Summarize

RanksmVESTSSTEEMSteem Power Equivalent
Red Fish/Plankton00<500SP

At the time of compiling this post, the current steem to million vests (mVESTS) conversion rate is at 490 on www.steed.comunder steem-per-mvests.

I don't know about you but never in my life have I ever desired to switch to a marine animals as I do now :)

I hope this helps someone out there, as always, Love & Light to you



My Recent Posts

  1. Curation Rewards Explained|HOW to Vote-WHEN to Vote-When to STOP...SIMPLE & EASY Explanation..
  2. VOTING POWER Explanation for Minnows|Easy Explanation|Voting is Power



Great, informative post as usual with you. Hope you don't mind me linking it when I finish a couple tutorials I have been working on. You definitely did your homework.

It would be my pleasure dearie :)
Definitely looking forward to reading your tutorials. I'm pretty sure they will be amazing.

Well, I must say, you really put a lot of effort in your posts! I am impressed. Great work, I bet you will be a dolphin faster than me!

Haha. Not if you keep up with your vlogs :)

Ooh look what I found @pele23 😄

Good morning from Thailand,
thank you very much for this very informative post about Steem power and Vests.
Also very nice you shared some important and useful discord channels, I will use the one or the other for sure.
@elsiekjay, keep on your fantastic work!
Resteemed and I will share the link in my facebook group, too.
Can I repost this post on my blog and website:
It's a website to promote Steemit to wordpress bloggers and other people who are not yet member of Steemit.
Best regards and a wonderful day

even though this has been done, you put a great spin to this information. if you would like to be considered for a curation with MBC please make sure to source all gifs and photos. i would love to feature you, especially since you gave a nice shout-out to our group! MBC/MEPS definitely needs some sort of footer. :) glad you are a part of our group .. let me know when you have fixed the gifs and images above okay? also, any corrections that for instance arcange mentioned or other info you noticed needs editing.


@eaglespirit Thank you so much! This was a perfect time for there to be a learning experence! Ive only ever posted original photos and memes from decentmemes(🙊). To tell you the truth i only just learned of this! So thank you again for the friendly advice!

hey there @dynamicgreentk yes getting into such detail is definitely not an easy task especially a fairly new user. glad she tackled it and made some good points. i liked the post 7 day point she brought out. i tended to only use my own photography in the beginning and to source photos is tricky. i just came across tons of info on plagiarizing, photos and ensuring proper use of other's writings. its very detailed regarding blogging laws and if we really want to go to the extreme. it can be very tedious.
i am finding my way to not be too much but not too lenient, this is not easy. i really just want to help and ensure noobs and even myself are keeping to original content without out right plagiarism. i do not think this is the case here, just a small oversight. if you have any suggestions i'd be great to hear. our group is promoting within and giving homework to reach upper levels. maybe just as your group is too.


I just wrote this long winded response but then i saw it went all over the place. Feel free to pm me on discord. Im a stay at home dad putting it all on the line for this or rather my heart and soul! Im just managing the creation! All i can tell you is finding new people and letting them know you care and listen to them has been a special experence for me and has kept a majority around. Doing that has encouraged people like elsikejay to really flurish in just a few weeks. So much raw talent on the introduceyourself tag that just give up...we are close to 1 million accounts right? But only 60-80000 are active? I would say conspiracy but im seeing it all go down on the introduce yourself tag. Crazy amounts of people slipping through the cracks to a discord that promotes steemit as a buisness not as a blog site that connects the world together and destroys totalitarian corporate structures. (Although its funny how ive seen hippies become capitalists and capitalists become hippies in my short time here). We have to all team up and promote healthy steemit growth on the intro tag and encourage further engagement on the platform!

what is so very interesting is that i have seen the same thing and totally agree! i have even gone to the IP and tried to help people but they did not respond. the "experienced" bloggers seem to think they have it all down pat sooooo that said, the ones that i find with talent do usually have backing and/or tons of YT followers. nice to meet you and yes please feel free to contact me too!

yeah its a total numbers game. Digging for gold!

ugh yes numbers and i love digging ... and gold well that's why i'm in steemsilvergold community! buahahahah

wink wink

Thank you for the guidance @eaglespirit. I appreciate it. Everyday is a learning experience like I keep on telling many oh here.
My post is NOW editted as per your request.
See you in class :)

anytime!! i am happy to help and thank you for our recent convos on Discord! :)

@elsiekjay Let me share a link with you from another steemit user so you better understand image sourcing!

Thank you for choosing my post @dynamicgreentk; I'm in complete agreement with your attitude of selflessly helping others here. This is a well done and informative post @elsiekjay and when you put proper image sourcing in place, it will be perfect!

I am a member of @newbieresteemday and @asapers, both of which work to welcome, educate and welcome new users to steemit, so I am always pleased to meet someone like yourself @dynamicgreentk that believes it to be the way to keep steemit building from the ground up!

That gave me goosebumps thank you!❤

haha you are most welcome!

thank you for sharing the link! there are definitely many people who have posted on proper sourcing. it looks as if @elsiekjay knows how she may have just forgotten to get the others?

Indeed. Thank you :)

no worries! :)

No i never taught her she does now! Shes moving faster than id ever expected or maybe did...

very true, there were people who i met who'd been around for months and didnt know. i'm a paralegal, did plenty of writing in college, etc., to know we have to resource everything. legally speaking, especially while blogging.

Oh wow! I can only imagine being a paralegal can be more stressful than following all the unsaid and said rules of the English Language!

yeah the paralegal gets in the way of so much ... relationships, blogging, writing ... blogging ... relationships ...



Good eye @eaglespirit, because this is a well-written post for sure! I'm pleased to say it's my post that was linked here for proper image sourcing. It's always fun to see someone I "know" in a place where I'm not expecting it! Hope you are well :)

this is hilarious actually, she happens to be in my group that is running these "homeworks." i'm not sure how she popped up in my feed but it was timely considering we are doing curations and this would help some of the "babies" as i call them. i should say planks/planktons. anyhoo, thanks for responding i figured you would since you are up in the commenting queen section of ABH's list ahahahahah
hope you are well too!!

ps. i did notice it was your link. too funny! i have done so much research and so mine is further back in time prob about 6 months since i'm on here for about 4 that i had not read yours. but so many people write about the same things.

I love the idea of these "homeworks"; it makes me happy to see experienced people helping new folks. It really is the only way for this platform to continually be successful I think.

Yes, ABH's league. The pressure was getting too much, so I let someone else take first place last week hahaha

yes it is interesting, our group has a bot so there is incentive. LOL the more they do the higher they go and get rewarded. capitalism at its finest.
"pressure too much" giggle
i still haven't figured out the formula but at least you got that far!!! congrats on that much!
i got wiped out when something changed and i went from like 20-30 to around 80ish. shrugs.
i comment like a banshee and i'm all over this platform so its stats like that that kind of get me a little
bummed. oh welllll
life goes on right?
i'm glad you are giving yourself a little rest. :)

Nothing like the promise of riches to get most people in high gear lol

You should ask Asher to explain the stats a bit so you can figure it out; or he always says if things seem "off" to let him know...maybe you fall in that category.

Disclaimer : I'm not saying you're a bit off , but maybe his stats are :)

A rest is always a good thing! I'm not sure if you're aware, but my husband has cancer, and we're at the stage where we moved to Mexico to "live out whatever time we have left together" stage. So some days when he's especially not well, this steemit stuff gets put on the back burner for sure. Most days, we can still get out and enjoy a couple of cervezas, so it's not all bad :)

hahaha i wouldn't say "riches" exactly but there is more money for upvotes, etc.
i have asked asher to explain, that is why i have the direct "" around things i wrote earlier. LOL
he does answer me but typically the answer is well maybe it is this or that or the other ...
nothing ever changes except i keep getting lower on the list and i comment over 350 a week,
which is more than most of the top people. the only thing i have notices is the CL and self upvotes.
most times i am writing for my blogs and not spending time like this to write paragraphs long or 1k words in a comment. hee hee
no worries, it is my feeling that the stats are off LOL
i thought i had read about someone having cancer, it is like so many people are survivors now. remember when there were days when if you had it, that was it? science can be amazing. i hope you to are as well as can be expected. i actually give three mnths of complimentary energy work through an organization in colorado for cancer participants.
the days that participants are not well is when we come in and help them get through those tough days.
big hugs to you and yay CERVEZAAAA!! nothing wrong with still enjoying this Life.
blessings lynn

For your information, the definition of the dead fish has been updated when Steemitboard's website has been revamped (read here).

Users complained that the 7 days period of inactivity was too short. Therefore, this period has been changed to 30 days.

Thank you for the heads up @arcange, My sources weren't updated, I will be sure to update my information accordingly. :)
Everyday is a learning process in here. Love it.

Thanks for summing that up so brilliantly.I am fairly new on here.It is alot to get your head around.All im doing is just blogging and posting comments and see where it gets me.Really enjoy how you can engage with other users on anything.My fav topic is food so i just love checking out diff recipes.Love how you habe written that.Have a fab day girl❤


Thanks so much elsiekjay , that is a really informative!
Would it be ok for me to link your article on the Channel that dynamicgreentk set-up for me on @dynamicsteemians
the channel is vlogging-w-divard (not the most exciting name but to the point)
And the general focus theme is tips for new Vloggers and users of Dtube / Steem ...etc in other words:-

We have a steemit resources channel just for that! Thats still awesome though!

Thanks !

Thank You @divard, yes it would be okay. We are all working towards the same goal after all :)
Thank you for stopping by, see you on the inside.

Thanks elsiekjay !

Informative post, I spent half a hour yesterday doing research and couldn't find a simple answer... problem is that most of us are foreign to VEST so it is not very tangible to us... but if it is based purely on Steem Power, then it is easier.. but the formula is based on Steem Power which may rise and fall so there is no clear cut answer.. but great article and thanks...

Hey @orangila,
Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it.
For an indepth understanding of Steem & Vests Please Refer to my Ref. Here

@elsiekjay Great advice. I look forward to exploring your articles. Blessings.

Most welcome. Explore away :)

Such amazing work! Putting your heart and soul into steemit and our discord thank you for all you do!

Thank you for all you do for me and hundreds of others.
It's my pleasure.

You have a great way of explaining things, @elseikjay. Although I knew all of this already, I kept reading till the end :0)
Good job!

Thank you @simplymike :)
It gives me the motivation I so much require to keep it going.
Thank you for stopping by .
Love to you

Please keep it going. You’re good at it!

Will do my utmost best.

Nice writeup

For example, if an account has 1M Vests and those are currently worth 500 STEEM

Are you implying that the value between Vests and Steem can change?

It probably would been better put "for example approximatly 1 million Mvests equal 500 steem power..." I can say from experence when i got 490 sp i had 1 Mvests. There is a complicated ,at least to me, formula that gives you precision with your actual Mvests amount in relation to steem.

I don't see where that implying comes in..

In short, STEEM POWER is simply the amount of STEEM an account's VESTS are currently WORTH. For example, if an account has 1M Vests and those are currently worth 500 STEEM,then the account will show that it has 500 Steem Power.

Please note mVESTS stands for a Million VESTS.

The question then becomes - how much STEEM is each VEST worth?

Good luck

And to you too dearie

Great work on the markdown <3 And a great tutorial too!

Thank you @amymya xoxo

nice share....i'm a minnow and try to grow

Nothing is impossibe, it's like raising a baby, take your firm baby steps and don't be afraid to step confidently.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 22 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 22 SBD worth and should receive 95 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Thanks for the post. It's a good reference for users to measure up against. Also, I didn't know there was a classification for Dead Fish. That's something new I learned today.

Buenos dias que bien el mundo acuatico buena informacion

Thanks for summing that up so brilliantly.I am fairly new on here.It is alot to get your head around.All im doing is just blogging and posting comments and see where it gets me.Really enjoy how you can engage with other users on anything.My fav topic is food so i just love checking out diff recipes.Love how you habe written that.Have a fab day girl❤

I noticed you do alot of food! II'm quite the foodie but I haven't blogged on it not once. We can learn together, I am fairly new myself, just learning as I go along. Thank you for stopping by and a great day to you too.

Yeh defo @elsiekjay we can so learn alot.Its all new but we will get there with the help of others and research too.Oooh you should put something foodie up.I love seeing other recipes and what different people eat all over the world.Bless you hun.❤

Excellent post ! Very briefly and understandably, you helped to understand the "fish" kingdom on the steemit. Being on the lower level of the food chain steemit it is really difficult to immediately understand where and how to move on.Continue to publish on this topic!

I am from India.I liked your steempower post.

Thanks for the advice. I'm a Red Fish for sure. Learning quickly that you need to do some work to educate yourself if you want to get people to see and interact with your posts. I'm enjoying it so far. Very interesting. Blessings. NISH.