in #steem7 years ago (edited)

The world today is not a pleasant place to be. One can’t help but ask, are we any different from Sodom and Gomorra? The events unfolding are shameful, the headlines disgusting. Mankind has totally lost shame in the eyes of God. With technological advancement, he thinks he has the solution to all mysteries, to all problems.

Little do we realize that life is a journey and each and each day we near our end without noticing it!

The bible says all are returning to dust. It is also written that man is just like grass, here today tomorrow to be thrown in the oven. Short as life is the question we barely ask is where we shall go when this life is over. What account shall we give of the lives we lived?

We are living in times in which pornography has become an accepted form of entertainment. Today some people do not only stop at watching and reading pornographic literature but also pay money in gusseted places to watch naked women, indecent dressing has become fashion, homosexuality and lesbianism have become fundamental human rights, bestiality has become a normality to humanity, the love for power has replaced the love for one another , to mention but a few.

In quest for the pleasures of the flesh man betrays his soul. Oh mortal, but what would it benefit you to gain the world and loose your own soul. What would it benefit you to enjoy temporarily and spend the rest of your days in hell.

In the light of all this one can’t help but conclude that we are no different from Sodom and Gomorra. And if we are no different from Sodom and Gomorra how then shall our own fate differ from theirs?

The good news is God is still the same today and forever. He is still merciful and ever wiling to pardon us if we confess our sins. We as Christians ought to stand up and be counted on issue concerning morality and in maters that matter, we ought to speak out without fear of controversy. For if we see evil and don’t speak against it, the sinners blood is in our hearts.

Tell the world the truth. Truth will set it free. Which truth is that God loves each and every one and that’s why he did not spare his only son but scarified him that we may live again. Our bodies are temples of the most high God.H ow wonderful it would be if we used it for his glory!!