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RE: Negative Voting and Steem

in #steem8 years ago

It is your personal decision. Yet consider if every vote you made was worth $100 because you had accumulated sufficient steem power for that to be the case. You could give yourself $100 just by saying "Have a nice day."


If I pump 50000$ into the system, would you really begrudge me the 40 cents I give back to myself if I upvote my own post or comment?

I don't begrudge you anything. When I first came to steemit I watched tutorials that recommended voting on your own comments and such to improve visibility and to increase how fast you gained steem power. I thought "Great" and I did that for awhile until I learned we have a voting % which decreases with each vote. So by voting on myself I greatly decreased the chance of me being able to improve steemit for everyone and thus by improving them also create a potential force multiplier for myself. I'd rather have 10 people who were uplifted over time by me and others voting on me, than me wasting my voting power on myself.

That is the only reason I stopped. I was diluting my vote so it was not very valuable over all by voting on myself. I post A LOT so voting on myself is a very bad thing. That is ME personally. What you do should fit you, your situation, and what your goals are.

And in my example I also did not say anything about 40 cents. I said $100. If you got $100 from yourself for that post you just did to me, I'd not begrudge you that... it's your vote. Yet I would think you were kind of a dick. Am I going to think that for 40 cents? It won't even be a glimmer in my mind. Yet what I think should not really matter, it should be what you want, and what your goals are. If your goals are to uplift many others and you post a lot then you might consider how dilution may be impacting your goals.

Oh also... you are not really giving back to yourself. BACK implies it was yours. When I vote I do not see how much steem power I have decreasing, so it is not taking anything from me. Thus, there is nothing to give back.