Words are a tool. They were created to communicate. If you don't know what they mean or you change what they mean when it is convenient to the narrative you want to paint then they cease to be useful as tools.
If your goal is to communicate then the meaning matters. IF your goal is purely to dominate then taking away that meaning for your purpose makes sense. Yet, I do not cede that linguistic territory. I also do not recognize your or any other humans authority to redefine existing words. If you want to create a new word. Go for it. That expands the language. If you want to redefine them so you can try to FORCE people to agree with what you say, then NO I won't let you get away with that unchallenged.
Yes I trust myself. I am the lord and creator of my world. I can create anything I want.
Cool then go away and create stuff. You don't need help from anyone just POOF and it shall appear because you want it. :) That's pretty ironic since you were the first to mention "magic" in this discussion.
I have a really important tip for you that you and many others are missing.
Facts don't care about your feelings, opinions, or instincts. They just are. They are immutable.
Truth on the other hand is limited by our own experiences. My understanding of the truth can only be based upon what I know, what I have observed, and what I have experienced. I can't really make decisions and know about things if I have not encountered them. This is true of all of us. So as we encounter new information our truths shift to adapt to this new information we didn't have before. Truth is not absolute. It is subjective.
Truth and facts are not the same thing, though ideally we should strive to make our own vision of truth fit the facts that are known. To do otherwise is known as a lie.
A lie requires intent.
We can be wrong and not lying. If we don't know a fact or a piece of information we can share our truth. It is still true as it is what we are aware of. However, if we intentionally ignore or alter what is factual then that is what is known as a lie.
For me a word can because it's made up have a million different meanings.
Only if people naively and out of ignorance allow people to redefine the word for their purposes.
We think in words. If you so casually accept someone else redefining a word that already had meaning then you also are allowing them to control your future thoughts when they involve that word.
The only person that should control your mind is you.
I can argue with you. I don't do it because I want to control you. I do it because I am tired of the blind obedience and control that has been used through words.
Words have meaning. Learn them. Protect them. If you need something to describe something new. Create a new word.
I'm sure you are right in most of what you say. It's just that we have different ways of living life. So I find your word ideas interesting and I see how you are correct in that yes.
Yes this is actually how it works for me. Currently I mainly just enjoy to observe the world. I have no specific thing I want for the moment. I have gotten all I ever desired and some more so it works clearly.
Don't see why I would need to control something? The mind is there I can use it when I want. No need to "control stuff".