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RE: Our Plan for Onboarding the Masses

in #steem6 years ago

I think the concept of "communities" and "light accounts" sound good, and make people happy, but this post didn't actually explain what those things are. Doesn't anyone mind that it's all just public relations fluff and shiny promises?

This post is supposedly about "onboarding the masses" but you have no plan for how to do that other than to write code? That hasn't been working.

As for "leaders", is that decentralization, or centralization? I don't want to be led, and I don't want to lead, and I don't want to be around people that need to be led. I didn't think Steem was that kind of place, but maybe it's changing.

You call this an "experimental platform" and remind readers to be lenient and patient. Why was there a big fanfare about "no longer being in beta", just a couple months ago?

People's finances and lives are being ruined here, I see it all around me. This is a massive disaster, and it looks like it's about to get even worse. Frightening lack of direction and honesty.