Bugging out of Facebook

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

I have felt that I have been "shadowbanned" or whatever you want to call it on Facebook for several years. At one point I was gaining followers, not many mind you but over 500 & growing, the next day I had under 200. My posts do not get "likes" they do not get "shares", I would venture they do not often get seen. Over the last week & a half, the censorship has ramped up. Now I cannot share memes I created from a page I created to that same page. & every day, they have determined something else is "false" though they present no evidence for their findings.

& so I find myself back on Steemit, which I am told by some is not the place to write either. But for now, here I am. My history briefly: I am a social commentator. I frequently speak against the MIC. I was a soldier in it once. & young. Signed on my seventeenth birthday at my parents kitchen table in a beautiful brick house situated at 420 North Main Street in Brownstown IN. Hooaah.

That is correct. I was a believer! My grandpa & my uncle were both US army. Grandpa fought in WWII. Bought 200 acres on the GI Bill. The USG then offered to pay him to not grow anything on his land. Called it the "soil bank". My gpa thought this was wrong. He refused. He would sell off land over the years to neighbors who went into the program. There's a Rumpke mountain being built there now.

Such is the plight of many family properties. When those men returned from that war allegedly victorious, the US had a chance to build the strongest nation of all time and lead the world into peace and prosperity. However, those who profited wildly from war had other plans.

Despite the newly gained lost knowledge, which had been previously privy to empires and nations for centuries, the US chose to once again ban the most vital crop in Human history. Cannabis hemp.

Prior to WWII wealthy interests had gathered together and used their influence to get the federal government to ban cannabis. They did this with a massive disinformation campaign fueled by one of the period's biggest publishers, William Randolph Hearst. Besides being a publisher, Hearst was also sitting on millions of acres of prime timberland, and had made a massive investment in wood pulp papermaking equipment.


Hearst understood that cannabis was a rising menace to the wood pulp industry & immediately sat about on the most heinous smear campaign in US history. Hearst's papers cranked out pure propaganda. The fear porn of it's day. Hearst started what is today known as the Reefer madness scam.

A brief history of Hearst according to journalist George Seldes:

". . . Hitler had the support of the most widely circulated magazine in history, "Readers Digest," as well as nineteen big-city newspapers and one of the three great American news agencies, the $220-million Hearst press empire.

". . . William Randolph Hearst, Sr., . . . was the lord of all the press lords in the United States. The millions who read the Hearst newspapers and magazines and saw Hearst newsreels in the nation's moviehouses had their minds poisoned by Hitler propaganda.

"It was . . . disclosed first to President Roosevelt [by Ambassador Dodd] almost on the day it happened, in September 1934, and it is detailed in the book "Ambassador Dodd's Diary," published in 1941, and again in libel-proof documents on file in the courts of the state of New York. William E. Dodd, professor of history [at the University of Chicago], told me about the Hearst sell-out . . .

"According to Ambassador Dodd, Hearst came to take the waters at Bad Nauheim in September 1934, and Dodd somehow learned immediately that Hitler had sent two of his most trusted Nazi propagandists, Hanfstangel and Rosenberg, to ask Hearst how Nazism could present a better image in the United States. When Hearst went to Berlin later in the month, he was taken to see Hitler."

Seldes reports that a $400,000 a year deal was struck between Hearst and Hitler, and signed by Doctor Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister. "Hearst," continues Seldes, "completely changed the editorial policy of his nineteen daily newspapers the same month he got the money."

& so you can see, Hearst was a ruthless bastard and much to his delight so were many of his contemporaries. Hearst knew that cannabis not only threatened his wood pulp business but several other large industries as well. & so he began to gather allies.

Andrew Mellon was the founder of the Gulf Oil Corporation. He knew that cannabis was an alternative industrial raw material for the production of thousands of products, including fuel and plastics. Being a capitalist, Mellon set right to work. Mellon became the Secretary of the Treasury & from this position he created the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, and appointed his own future nephew-in-law, Harry Anslinger, as director.

Anslinger ought right be one of the most hated men in US history. But enough about that bastard.

But a little more on Mellon, again courtesy of Seldes: "Thurman Arnold, as assistant district attorney of the United States, his assistant, Norman Littell, and several Congressional investigations, have produced incontrovertible evidence that some of our biggest monopolies entered into secret agreements with the Nazi cartels and divided the world up among them," states Seldes in his book, "Facts and Fascism," published in 1943. "Most notorious of all was Alcoa, the Mellon-Davis-Duke monopoly which is largely responsible for the fact America did not have the aluminum with which to build airplanes before and after Pearl Harbor, while Germany had an unlimited supply."

Alcoa sabotage of American war production had already cost the U.S. "10,000 fighters or 1,665 bombers," according to Congressman Pierce of Oregon speaking in May 1941, because of "the effort to protect Alcoa's monopolistic position. . ."

"If America loses this war," said Secretary of the Interior [Harold] Ickes, June 26, 1941, "it can thank the Aluminum Corporation of America."

"By its cartel agreement with I.G. Farben, controlled by Hitler," writes Seldes, "Alcoa sabotaged the aluminum program of the U.S. air force. The Truman Committee [on National Defense, chaired by then-Senator Harry S. Truman in 1942] heard testimony that Alcoa's representative, A.H. Bunker, $1-a-year head of the aluminum section of O.P.M., prevented work on our $600,000,000 aluminum expansion program."

So I feel it safe to say, Mellon was a bastard as well.

The conspiracy did not end with the ruthless bastards we've met thus far. No. Dupont & by proxy, General Motors. Of course US politicians. Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon). The Ford Motor Company. International Telephone & Telegraph. & for dishonorable mention, Allen Dulles who would become the CIA director.

Together & with other allies gathered along the way, these men set out to conduct the biggest heist in the history of Humankind. On August 2, 1937, they passed the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 through Congress, which successfully destroyed the rebirth of the cannabis hemp industry & sealed what will become known as the largest transfer of wealth in Human history.

The stripping of cannabis hemp from Humankind created artificial scarcity on a global scale and the conspirators became obscenely wealthy selling their replacement products.

Now. I have known this for years. I have frequently tried to convey this message to others. It is still of vital importance as we are still suffering from this heinous crime as you read this. We are doomed to suffer and struggle and eventually see our numbers reduced greatly by this. Cannabis is an abundant nutritious food. First and foremost. Those seeds are the healthiest grain that animals such as the mammals known as Humans can consume.

Imagine removing the most healthiest food from the food chain. Imagine the illnesses & disease this could cause. A boon for a health care & pharmaceutical industry.

Without the hemp, we rely on trees for paper. We rely on petroleum for hundreds of items including fuels & oils for industrial applications. We rely on concrete steel and wood for construction. We rely on crops which require intensive chemical applications. We rely on the government & these massive industries kindness to ensure the supply of these items is uninterrupted.

This is the number one problem facing us today.

The corona virus sucks. It does. They are using it to shut down civil liberties around the globe. Will we get them back?

We can't even end the most heinous policy on earth that is right in our faces.

You may wonder what cannabis prohibition has to do with corona virus. HEALTH. We are less healthy bc of it and our earth is less healthy. Our healthcare systems are burdened bc of all of this unhealthiness. Now we need those beds for people who might be critically ill and may well die without proper medical care.

Cannabis prohibition effects every aspect of our lives.

Big thanks to R. William Davis for his paper "The Elkhorn Manifesto, SHADOW OF THE SWASTIKA"

An Open Letter to All Americans