To clarify point #1 after discussing with @lordnigel: all players who complete Stage 5 will be credited with a first attack win for purposes of sharing in the STEEM pool for Stage 5. Banked life point results from the combat on this stage will stand and be validated for the tournament.
Game status as of Thursday 7/19/2018, 7:50 am UTC
General notes:
Read across the row with your character and username to see how you're doing. The number 31 appearing under any stage column indicates a flawless victory and that you will receive a share of the STEEM pool for that stage.
B$ = your current banked life points, FV = number of flawless victories, LVL = character level (max 3).
MOD = the modifier/value provided by your !ibtluckydip item, if you bought one.
SP? = whether or not you've gained access to the !special command (Y = yes)
Individual player notes:
- Thunk (@wren1221) skipped Stage 3 by accident and needs to go back to it. With Stage 4 results pending, they'll have at least 8 banked life points once everything is validated.
- Tim Ross (@castleberry) had issues with !ibtluckydip on Stage 1 and thus hasn't made much progress, but I expect he'll catch up pretty quickly.
- Negan (@o07) is the only player to have not yet begun playing in the tournament.
@wren1221, @o07, hurry!
@castleberry, noooooo, I just got a zero (i think). These guys owned Angel Food and his cocky sober attitude!