Have You Voted For STEEM Yet Today?

in #steem6 years ago

There is still time left to vote in the Netcoins contest, you have until Oct 20th at 11:59 pm.


Currently STEEM is sitting in 1st place with a little over 8800 votes, VERGE isn't far behind.


If you haven't voted yet today and would like to do so you can click the link here.

Also, the current vote # that we see might not be the final amount as they are still going through and removing fraudulent votes. Let's hope STEEM stays at the top!


Everyone who enters has the chance to win a $200 crypto bundle and if STEEM wins that means STEEM gets listed for free with Netcoins, that's a prize worth roughly $30k.

To see more details on the contest or to vote visit the link here.

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Yep, I have already voted. Going to do it soon again though, because the timer is getting down to zero in a handful of hours.

Yes I am voting every day and good to see Steem pulling ahead :)

We got this in the bag!!!

Yes and keep voting. Today is the last day and we are down 500 right now!

down about 100 a couple mins ago, now only around 60+ :D

Go power!!!! We can do it!!!


right on! thanks for taking the time to vote :)

I have been for days, as everyone should be. :)

I have voted @doitvoluntarily, daily, because it seems like right action for the community's benefit. What I find sad and surprising is the according to @penguinpablo's regular stats updates, there are over 50,000 active users daily, and yet all we can muster over several days is less that 10,000 votes in total. Do people simply not care? That's a general question, I'm not expecting that you can answer it.

Bright Blessings!

if an account has their voting set up to be automated i wonder if that counts them under the active users? if their account has voted? but that doesn't mean they are here reading posts every day? i'm not sure?... there might be some people who also didn't verify the e-mail after they voted? when I first heard about the contest we were third, and now we have climbed our way up! and continue to take back the 1st spot after the other gets ahead, i've been impressed with how many people are sharing about the contest and contributing to the success of steem to see it win:)

What @penguinpablo counts are transacting accounts, not active accounts. A transacting account can be an account set on autovote, a bot, someone who makes a transaction. Not necessarily comment or post or even manually vote.

is that how it works? thanks for clarifying!:) so we don't really know how many active users there are then?

I don't really know right now. I'm sure those who query SteemSQL can have more accurate data, but we have to take into account active accounts follow certain patterns, and not all are active daily. Some are active every few days, some weekly and so on.


Just now, almost a 1000 ahead.

sweet! thanks for voting!

Steem is looking good out there.
We can do this, everyone.
Steem all the way.

still in top spot!

I just made my last vote! Steem winning by more than 1000 votes. I think the work is done.

Sin título.png

i think i can get one more in, we're still 1st and hopefully those votes wont' be removed later lol :) 👍

I wish you a wonderful weekend dear friend@doitvoluntarily we are heading the list at this time, although we must not stop voting, this is updated quickly, if we all collaborate, we will undoubtedly win the contest

I've been refreshing the Netcoins competition page every few minutes for the last 5 days watching the numbers. Nerve-racking!

Hehe, me too! It's definitely much more exciting than I had anticipated it to be.

It reminds me of when we used to watch the Eurovision song contest as kids.

Haha, yeah, it's almost like that!


Just voted now