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RE: Anonymous downvotes...

in #steem5 years ago

Hello @anothervoice,

thank you for your comment!

Ah, shit! I hate it when people feel they have to leave #STEEM because I really thought it is/was an great idea with many positive things about it!

Sure, everywhere a project leaves room for exploitation you'll find some that couldn't care less and will do their thing not giving a f'ck about others.

I still see some chances for #STEEM but it seems to be an tough, uphill battle for this blockchain.

If it would've been for the money I could dropped the little I've invested in here into something else, which I in parallel do all the time crypto wise, I'm weekly DCAing into Bitcoin for a few years now like clockwork.

But I liked the idea of the social media aspect on here uncensored, unmnutable and so on besides all the other stuff that comes with it which makes it stand out from many other crypto projects.

What I see here again and again is the misuse of power again and again. There were so many things in focus of the recent changes and maybe it's to early to judge, but my feeling is that you are not alone with wanting to leave #STEEM I'm afraid.

The selve-upvoting is is still going on, the same "rope-teams" are doing their thing like before and especially the down voting stuff makes a lot of people angry I guess.

How the hell can we expect onboarding new people on here when the "STEEM-OGs", like you surely are, are leaving #STEEM.


Well, again thanks for your comment and not matter if on or off STEEM I wish you much success!



I really hope you won't give up. There are always some difficult people, regardless where you are.

However you're surrounded by many positive and supportive people right here. And that's what matters the most (long term).


Hello Piotr,

Thank you for your comment!

For now I have no plans to give up! I've vented a little and it already feels better. ;-)

Still, this is bothering me tbh. I'm a small account and it's not that I'm doing this for "big" returns. But when even my relatively small rewards get targeted by people that feel the need to police content for whatever reasons, these recent downvotes come from a guy who targets SBI users, it's pretty frustrating.

But whatever... I'm very much aware of much of the positivity on here!
