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RE: HF20 Update: Restoring Continuity

in #steem6 years ago

Perusing these remarks, I understand I was mixed up when I exited my first remark the previous evening. I was under the feeling that new records got 15SP to begin and that the 10x coming today around evening time would have been connected similarly to each record. Turns out both are mistaken.

New records evidently get just 5SP at this point. What's more, the 10x is heading off to the whole RC pool, not similarly to each record. Presently I don't know how that circulation will be chosen, however how everything else has been chosen recommends that the more you have, the more you'll get.

Well that is simply in reverse. At the present time I can leave 100+ remarks/post every day. No chance I'm utilizing all that, so making it 1,000+ for me isn't helping anybody.

In the interim, another client truly attempting to manufacture connections on here and contribute profitable substance to the stage may not in any case get 10x, and regardless of whether they did, that would just mean their having the capacity to remark or post about once every day.

Please. Allows simply skirt this 10x and go straight to 100x. At that point the group can take a gander at use and modify from that point. It's ridiculous to make individuals pause... how much longer?.... before ordinary utilization can continue with the goal that you can even start gathering significant information. If you don't mind address this now.

On a different yet related point, for what reason would we say we are comparing being new with being a spammer? For what reason would we say we are endeavoring to battle spam in a way that punishes new individuals?

I totally comprehend the requirement for utilizing RCs to track asset use, and giving people and the devs precise criticism on framework use by different activities. I thoroughly get why that is essential for SMTs to work in the following fork.

Yet, wouldn't you say you should begin by giving individuals enough RCs for an ordinary human to work on here when they first begin?

Wouldn't you say the strategy for forestalling spam ought not take after a technique for anticipating utilization by new clients?

I was setting this months back, before UA scores happened, and I see it much more at this point. I realized that the manner in which individuals were looking at battling spam would hurt new clients. And after that I proposed another measurement for being a genuine individual other than measure of SP held, which was commitment to the stage.

I was not able make the coordinations work, however then came the entire UA score usefulness, which has been completing a slamming occupation of making sense of who is contributing pretty much to the stage. Why not have that be what decides what number of RCs somebody begins every multi day time frame with?

We should quit likening having more cash with having more an incentive to this stage.