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RE: Announcing: Smart Media Tokens (SMTs)

in #steem7 years ago

@ned can this be used to enable the creation of a world-community-owned media network capable of going toe-to-toe with CNN or Fox?


  • the big media firms control global mindsets by being gatekeepers to worldviews. They often spread fear, and the worldview their overlords select for the "sheeple".


  • enable the citizenry to come together, from all over the world, to contribute content and efforts that create a media network that can rival CNN and FOX.

  • use this network to spread good news (instead of fear) and real, relevant content (docos, shows, etc) that uplifts, enables, educates people instead of the "bread and circus" bullshit the sheeple are fed with as a distraction to real issues like environment, new energy innovations, new social structures, etc


  • high-end video content > people watch more than they read. To produce a documentary or show at worldclass levels (beyond a simple talking head webcam video) requires resources and collaboration amongst several people. These people need to cover their costs and get something small back beyond costs. How can SMTs be designed to facilitate that?

  • distribution > CNN and FOX have huge budgets to reach the masses. How can SMTs be used to help with that, keeping in mind that the more eyeballs such a network gets, the more advertisers will, out of self interest, actually pay the network money to place ads on - I mean, if millions of people start watching a good news network instead of CNN, advertisers will follow, whether they like it or not.


  • A DAO that works like a Colony of bees, a swarm. Anyone and everyone can contribute towards the making of a show. Imagine, for example, you wish to show the truth about a remote village somewhere. You can get a local in that village, a person you locate using social media, to use their smartphone to go capture footage for you and send it back to you online. You then make your show, and allocate a portion of your SMT earnings to your sources for that show. When it runs, the SMTs automatically divide themselves and your "reporter" in the village also gets something. This way, a swarm or colony effort is able to match the resources of CNN etc, somehow.

In short, besides empowering bloggers etc, how can SMTs REALLY change the game, and bring BIG MEDIA power back to the people? Not small media, but big media, the one that the masses get to watch? Or at least enable people to have a fair go at creating such a challenge?

How can SMTs be designed to support such a vision?