
What is obvious to all but the corporate scene is that when the alt right criticizes a political adversary on normative grounds, they never actually care about the reasoning they give - they just use whatever logic they think will take down the target, because if they said what they really thought, they know that nobody would listen to them.

For example, Hillary Clinton.

The alt right criticized her at times for corruption, globalism, overseas militarism, having health problems, and defending sexual predators. Then they proceeded to push somebody who was worse on every single one of these things.

Why did they really oppose Hillary Clinton? Because she is a powerful woman with an annoying voice. But if they came out and admitted the true reason they disliked her, their shallow petty bigotry would be revealed and nobody would listen to them.

Good Post 👍👍👍

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The left constantly cannibalizes itself.

not that I disagree... but this video does not really talk about a leftist attacking another leftist...

indeed it does not at all

Cernovich is a batshit insane far right loon

Who made the decision to fire Sam Seder. They apparently took Cernovich's word over Seder's word.

Again... i don't disagree, but I don't see how this connects to your statement in reference to the video.

Do I have to spell it out for you? MSNBC is a left leaning outlet. They fired Seder, another leftist, for an imaginary offense.

I guess it's because I don't usually consider MSNBC a left leaning outlet... its more like left of center.. not like CNN...

But I think I finally understood your point.

ugh, Cernovich on InfoWars? He really is some absolute bottom of a scummy barrel s***.

also, re: David about their hypocrisy on this issue (right wingers almost refuse to call out Trump/Moore about sexual abuse) - they don't care about the hypocrisy, it's about 'winning' for them and they will use any gross tactic that achieves that end in their mind