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We are very happy to have you here David! Thank you for asking your audience to join us!

Would you please start getting transcripts of your videos and including those in your Steem posts because this will help all your posts rank higher in Google search which will bring more readers to your blog, viewers to your videos, and users to Steem?

this is a great idea. working out the logistics and timing with our limited resources will be the challenge, but one i'm up for trying to solve.

You will do great David, It's like starting with you tube again, but now you have audience and not suppression.

Jerry would probably love to help you. He does this very well.

One of the interesting things about Steem is that because it's money-based, it's very easy to informally delegate tasks out to people for small payment, even paying in upvotes if you have large voting power. There are loads of people who would jump at the opportunity for a small regular income such as by transcribing videos.

I would be interested in finding out how I might set something up like that

The way it's done now, you make a post tagged with #steemgigs.

Something along the lines of this:

I'm looking for people to transcribe my videos

Must be formatted for Steemit posts.

I need these videos transcribed:

I will pay $x per video, paid in Steem Dollars

Contact me at email@address to discuss

is the amount paid based on payment through upvotes, or i just "transfer" X number of SBD to the person per video through the wallet?

Up to you.

You could pay in upvotes if you have a big vote.

You could make transfers manually with the wallet page.

You could add them as a benefactor, giving them a percent of your payouts automatically. There's a tool on that allows you to create posts with benefactors who get a share of the rewards.

Ahh Christ... looks like another week of 18 hour days coding to get my new app out before @davidpakman finds another avenue to get this sorted.... ;)

This fits in with one of my projects I'm currently developing, but which has taken a back seat to my notification apps. I was actually hoping to have the next week off from coding, but every time I see someone mention something that fits in with one of my projects, I feel like I have to immediately bring it to "market".. ;) I'm wearing myself out, i think. Programming 18 hours a day isn't good for the body or mind...

But aren't Steemit Inc already working on making notifications better here?

Yes, we're working on a major overhaul of the notifications system that should be ready soon.

Community Liaison, Steemit

Ok, that's good to know. It will make it easier not to renew my server contract next month. It's been pretty expensive creating notifications for the platform, with very little support from the community (unlike say the massive support heaped on trivial and inane feature suggestions for steemit via[/whinge] ;)

Who knows? You'd think that would be the first thing they'd do on a social networking like site. But here we are a year later and they still haven't done it. As it is, my notification app is at a standard where I'm happy to leave it for a while and work on other stuff. Or do nothing for a bit, which would be nice too... ;)

I've read that they should be introducing the new notification system before the end of this year. What does interest me is this other app of yours, you aren't on

Aren't there some good programs that will take voice and transfer it to text that will make it much easier and and affordable?

Another job taken by robots. /s

me too. get out fb and youtube... coming to steemit....

Agree. And if more of these Youtubers do this, massive success will result. Have a word with KSI and the gang. Ha ha!

There’s a lot of potential by bringing over from YouTube in my opinion.

I followed David Pakman here. I'm just beginning to explore now. I'll have more time on the weekend to figure everything out.

I think is a good idea @jerrybanfield... to watch video is impossible for me in certain situations..

Transcripts are really helpful for even more than that. I don't take in information in well via hearing it, I'm way more likely to read and understand a transcript.

Hi Jerry , You are my reason for joining steem. I followed you on facebook and you inspired my steem journey. I will like to connect with you as my mentor. hope to here from you soon. @attakye

great and practical advice

Very good advise! Keep it up :-)

Good idea. I'm usually in an environment where I can't access video or audio content due to noise or other distractions (headphones are not an option for reasons of courtesy). I doubt I'm the only one.

Very interesting @jerrybanfield, You are so kind, helpful in @SteemitCommunity. For everyone, Let us work together for unity and love.

Yes I agree with you. There should be something which will transcript for other bloggers to get into it.

Здарова люди я из россии

I'm new to this but I'm already liking it

Nice suggestion it's also helpful for me. Thanks again. I see your post. That is really amazing.

Hello im your new follower

Nyz 🎗

Will work for Bitcoin

How can I get a transcripti from Youtube? Is there an automated system or would I have to hire a Fiverr seller? If automated is it accurate?

cool thx

Well said sir and i am very happy that big YouTubers like you guys joining steemit and promoting it :)

I'm curious, did anything significantly happen for the better as far as Steemit is concerned after your request?

JB nice

Follow me. @handmaqueen


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I'm not a BOT and my aim is to clear posts by spammers.

Excellent stuff! Great promo video. :)

I'm glad you added the "participate in the community more generally" point. You might also want to add a future video on how the value here actually works. The money doesn't come from nowhere. Investors in STEEM, the cryptocurrency, create the demand for the token which creates all the value we enjoy here. As much as we need more content creators and more community members to engage and vote up content, we also need investors to support the token which gives the rewards pool value. I'd love to see further discussions about how investors should look into STEEM as an under-valued cryptocurrency with 3 second block times and free transactions.

This is an exciting place to be, and I'm thankful you had the foresight to let your audience know about it.

Oh, also, I rarely do this, but I'm going to here in order to make a point. I'm going to upvote my own comment here to demonstrate how those with Steem Power can actually promote their own ideas to the top of the conversation. Lately I haven't even been upvoting my own main blog posts as I want to save voting power for other peoples' posts, but this too, I think, is an important aspect of the platform people should know about. Having influence in terms of Steem Power is valuable (when used in moderation, of course).

On the other hand, new users shouldn't feel compelled to buy stake. They'll get some over time anyway merely by using the platform, and we don't want to have too strong a sense of 'pay to play' here.

In the long run it will be good to see Steem Power widely distributed and yes, the system is only sustainable if people want to buy Steem Power in sufficient amounts to cover the dilution. I feel like those things will come naturally if the system is valuable.

Only 6,500 accounts out of over 400,000 have reached the 1MV milestone (about $500 of stake), and fewer still paid to get there. That's akin to free-to-play computer games, where 20% of players typically spend 80% of the money. At least unlike those games, the small minority of people who paid or mined or @stellabelle'd their way into a large stake are being diluted every day, spreading it out to the much larger group who didn't buy in. It's more a priority to me that those large stakeholders allow themselves to be diluted so that the system is valuable to everyone than to get new people to buy in to sustain it.

A valid point, but there is no free lunch. Dilution alone would just cause the price of STEEM to decrease over time and the new users wouldn't have much value in their votes. I think we've had quite a few "Hey, come earn FREE MONIEZ!!!" influencers here which, IMO, set a false expectation for how the economics here actually work. Thankfully, @davidpakman's pitch here was very reasonable.

Steemit certainly isn't pay to play in terms of voting, commenting, and blogging. What is pay to play is earning from the rewards pool. It may not be the curator or content creator who is paying, but someone is (i.e. the investor). Just as you said, for every 80% enjoying the rewards pool, we still need 20% in the investor class to keep the party going. My suggestion was to not exclude them by also appealing to that audience at some point in the future. If every new personality joining Steemit focused 80% on audience and 20% on investors, I think we'd have a nice, sustainable approach to growth.

I can agree with that. I, myself, this tiny little minnow, have personally invested about $200 so far into the platform/into STEEM, because I fully believe in this place and know that my money is spent on a good investment towards helping the platform grow. If I had thousands of dollars to throw into it, I would, too.

I really just want to see this platform explode and help people achieve their dreams by sharing their creative passions with the world, and I know that I will be better equipped to help people more if my upvotes on their content are generating more rewards.

Dilution alone would just cause the price of STEEM to decrease over time and the new users wouldn't have much value in their votes.

That's true, but like any good company we should ensure that our product is valuable so that people want to buy it, rather than ask people to buy because we need them to so that we stay in business.

I think we've had quite a few "Hey, come earn FREE MONIEZ!!!" influencers here which, IMO, set a false expectation for how the economics here actually work. Thankfully, @davidpakman's pitch here was very reasonable.


we still need 20% in the investor class to keep the party going.

For now yes. My hope is that in the long run utilitarian demand for the token will be enough that the system will be sustained even if few people buy Steem as an investment. In the old dynamic with hyperinflationary liquid Steem, it was required that Steem Power sustain the whole economy. In the current system where Steem can be a commodity of exchange, it's possible that demand for money rather than demand for ROI or for influence could sustain the system. For example if only 20% or less of total Steem was vested, with most being tied up in commerce.

That's why I'm more concerned with users than investors. If we have the largest network effect, we will be the best form of money in the crypto space. We're already far more usable for money than Bitcoin is, and we're growing fastest in places where demand for sound money is high (Venezuela and Nigeria, both countries which recently experienced hyperinflation).

We're already far more usable for money than Bitcoin is

And yet, we're getting rekt in terms of investor ROI compared to bitcoin and many other altcoins. Smart investors will buy up other cryptocurrencies even if they know STEEM is "better." They will wait patiently for more investors to catch on to what's happening here and then flood back in because they already know the value. If we all tell the whole story (including the investor potential), we may have a lot of very happy users who decided to drop in a few bucks just to see how it works prior to the future investor flood many of us think is coming.

As for staying in business, I think we're good there. Plenty of witnesses are happy to be block producers and Steemit, the company, has plenty of STEEM to pay for their expenses.

I think you're right to be more concerned with users. I even think 80/20 is a fairly good metric for that. I'm just hoping we don't forget about the 20% completely. Let's throw them some love too. :)

Couldn't agree more.
Suggesting investing outside money isn't asking for charity.
When large institutions realise how useful SP can be in influencing conversations; it'll be too late for mom n pop to enjoy any gains.

im folllowing you now @lukestokes. You seem like the kind of person i can learn a lot from Sir.

I had no idea how that worked. I need to watch a few videos on proper use of steem power.

Thanks for the Minnow Support Program shoutout too David !

I just rented a little bit of SP for you for the next month so you can vote yourself and your supporters for ~$0.16 each vote now :)

I'm sure even without my assistance you'll be a whale in no time

thanks very much, i appreciate it hugely!

Added some more delegation to your account from my stake to help you engage and reward your growing audience. :)

This is great and I wish you all the well in the Steem ecosystem David. ^

At the same time, please continue to be as clear as you can with your viewers so that they don't come here looking for a free lunch in any sense. If earning themselves money is why they come, most of them will they'll undoubtedly leave very disappointed.

Few have the tenacity and the connections that some content creators such as yourself have. That has to be developed.

Good man! If I had some spare SP I'd do that too (I'm loaning my spare to I figured David is generally too busy producing his show to do too much browsing of the platform and voting but at least voting on comments on your own posts is a nice way to encourage engagement. Early on when I started with Steemit I made a couple of comments on some popular posts can earned about $100 STEEM and a lot of repututation from them. It was a great leg up thanks to those voters.

I really enjoyed your video and the response on Youtube is pretty convincing already.

It was fun to have you on MSP Waves Radio! The whole show was awesome!

Hope so!

Wow. Lovely video. So intriguing. I wish I could fight my fear. I love vloggers

Thankss! Mainstream!

As more and more youtubers realisze that, steemit will explode in user count

Write choice!

Well done David you explained that well to your audience and in a way that I'm sure will compel some of them to come over. You'll also be exposed to a new audience of people here who are existing Steemit users (such as myself) who have not been exposed to your content before

Hey @davidpakman, it was so awesome to listen to you the other night on the Minnow Mayor Town Hall over at the @MinnowSupport Project's Discord channel on the PALnet server! I had never heard of you until that night but I became an instant fan. You are very articulate and craft such intellectual arguments and you seem well versed in civil discussions and de-escalation methods to keep even the worst trolls at bay. I really appreciated that about you. You come across as a very genuine human being, and I'm all about that!

For anyone new to Steemit, please click on the animated banner below for more information on how to join the Minnow Support Project and why it's such a great place to get started when you first join Steemit!

I think a more crucial issue to address is the number of ads per video. There are videos that are riddled with too many ads, that I just stopped watching altogether. Is there a bot that automatically clicks on "skip ad?"

Edit your hosts file. No more youtube ads. :)

Excellent video. Hope your success continues with Steem!

You are welcome here David ;)

This is such great news, thank you for telling your audience about the Steem blockchain! I didn't see it in other comments, and it's possible you do know, that there is a decentralized video uploading platform which runs on this blockchain called DTube. I'll look forward to seeing your videos on it soon!

When popular vloggers from youtube like @davidpakman will start to promote Steem and then the platform will be growing fantastically fast.

I remember earlier this year, just a couple of popular channels forced idea of GPU mining to the masses and ETH exploded along with whole industry. I hope something like that is possible for too.

You made very valid points in your video and your approach was super dope too. I certainly hope people will see the huge potential in this platform and the entire steem blockchain.

Apart from steemit, the steem blockchain has a number of valuable apps and projects built on it for its users. A very good example is by @elear which has every possiblity of being the next big thing when it comes to monetizing open source projects. Projects like these are bound to change the way things will be done in the future.

Thank you for getting the word out.

Woot woot! Influx of minnows coming our way

I did

Welcome :-)

Thank you, I'm really excited to share my artwork here and learn more about cryptocurrency. 😀

This is the right place for you to be @icarus1618.... Steemit has a wonderful sub-community of art lovers, I'm sure you must met some of them by now... Welcome, all the best

It would seem so, I'm glad to be here.

Welcome to Steemit! :) Please feel free to come check us out at the @MinnowSupport Project! There's a nice little guide in my comment above, but here's a direct link to the Discord server so you can join us and get started on that path to success! :D Looking forward to seeing you around!

You should do a introduction post.

See for examples just remember to use introduceyourself tag.

I'm planning on it, however I think I've posted too much today so I will likely post it tomorrow.

This is great! Love the video, and the pitch! Hope to see your followers come flooding to the platform! I'm going to follow @ausbitbank's lead and lend you some Steem Power till the end of the year, so you can upvote your followers more and show them the benefit of the system here!

There is so much to see and do here on the platform, I think your viewers will be amazed. And Minnow Support Project is a great place to send them as they get started! I don't have a lot of time to spend there anymore, but I definitely would not be in the position I am in today if I had not been hanging around in that discord channel!

You've got a new follower in me. I was not familiar with your show previously, admittedly, I try not to delve too much into the politics of the day, I can get stirred up a little bit, so better to avoid the sensationalism. But in watching one of your videos I get the impression you are not a scream at the listener sensationalist, so that's worth having a listen to!

Thanks for being here! Thanks for supporting the platform! Looking forward to more of your work!

thank you so much, really appreciate it! I will use it wisely!

help me, follow my new steem, i hope to help the world with my new skills on soft tissue treatment to those who need my specialised skills. Specially, patella knee pain, tennis elbow etc. Tendinopathy is cureable, if anyone need help, I am in Hong Kong. I am await the world.

Lamentablemente no entiendo el idioma y no tengo como traducir . Pero bueno apoyo para ti @davidpakman

Great video!
Thanks for sharing to your YouTube subscribers and for asking your audience to join steemit.
Keep up the good work

nice post or also it helpful post for everyone. carry on bro.

Nice post 👍 Thanks for sharing and and very useful information. Congratulations ✌ @davidpakman

Hey @davidpakman, it was awesome to listen to you.This one is great news, also thank you for telling your audience about steem community. And now you have got a new follower in me and also tell my steem friends for following you.Thanks for being here! Again thanks for supporting the platform. Looking forward to more of your work! and encourage us for using steen.
Your regards @skwth

Good info on YouTube. This should be spread More. More and more will join steemit. We will cross old recorders. I am resteeming this post. Thank you.

Interacting with the community is the most important aspect, I think
Good on you DP for pointing that out

well done

I can't find my comment

Cool, make sure you remind them again after hardfork 20 because account creation will be instant.

good man let's wait and see how many are going to come .

Really glad to see the David Pakman Show on Steemit!! I hope this website can regenerate some of that lost income!

A lot of youtubers can actually get an insane amount of people to join Steemit. Great stuff David:)

@davidpakman Absolutely Fantastic!!! This indeed, is a Brilliant Idea. Btw, great promotional video. Realistically, Youtube should also be a perfect platform to pitch for Steemit and make it noteworthy to all the youtubers about the advantages of being on Steemit and create a larger, bigger & stronger Steemit Community! with youtubers joining hands with the steemians and coming onboard this Wonderful platform and joining True Global Community!!!
Kudos! to you, for this remarkable effort!!!

Well I am very happy you have the platform that you need to do your show, obviously you have a huge following. I have signup with Steemit a couple of days ago and I love it and I am pulling for you my friend!

Good call to try and bring your 408k subs over to this site, @davidpakman!

We're a news show that's been lingering at around 3k subs for nearing a year now. It seems that YouTube / Google doesn't like our material because they've been censoring us at every turn! It's very frustrating.

Unfortunately, we cannot get our subs over here, as few as it may be.

Anyway, keep up the fine work!

The Armageddon Broadcast Network

Great video it will surely help this community to grow !

Hello guys! Congratulations for this post!

Hello @andersonfeitosag! Welcome to Steemit! :) Please come check out the @MinnowSupport Project, it's such a great way to get started because you will be involved in a very supportive community whose aim is to help new users start off on the right foot. We emphasize the importance of community building and making friends in order to gain a loyal following. Feel free to hop into the Discord channel by clicking here and let us know more about who you are and what you plan to post about! :)

Have you been talking to other youtubers, because letting big namers know to try the site out and give it a rating or whatever they will see it’s potential. Say if Phillip defranco or joe Rogan, even pewdiepie to come over here and make a post. That could be much quicker adoption. The dtube app is synced with steemit too right so we have our video platform.

The more the merrier!

Well made video, David. Getting in early with as many followers as you can could set your show for life. As one by one influencers like yourself will think of the huge opportunity Steem, in its early days, offers - the less overall stake can one gain for same amount of work.

People could scoff at just 200$ dollar rewards per post, but it was the same with Bitcoin in the early days. The value of the token will rise with the demand. 200$ worth of Steem tokens now could be worth 2k or more in just few years. What if Steem becomes huge, name known around the world like Facebook? If there's a chance of that happening, even a small one, and I had a big following in old traditional media (that's what I call Youtube etc. these days), I know what I would do. Take that chance as they come rarely.

Very exciting, keep it up ^.^

LOVE IT! make sure other Youtubers get on it too!

We need more people like you and big influencers to show to the people this wonderful platform.
Keep up the good work

Thanks @davidpakman, that is very good advertisement for steemit, with network effect like that steem users can increase dramatically.

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