I really like this that you placed at the end:They are change times @jackmiller, everything you have said here is supported by a tangible logic, the phrase "out of the box" connects me immediately to the way we analyze things: Most of the time it is necessary to leave the system , and study it as an expectation, is the only way to be objective, achieve efficiency and effectiveness, it is not the time to point, judge or keep thinking about the past, I think the concept of Synergy, would be appropriate to apply it, way that produces additional effects resulting from the work together. Considering that the Steem ecosystem is wonderful, and has a powerful vision,
To the idea that Steem makes the world a better place for everyone, to the idea of maintaining our goal of making Steem the dream, I greet you.
A lot to think about!
All I want is for Steem (the idea of it changing this world into a better place) to happen, and that won't happen as long as people keep thinking within the "boxes" that we keep falling into.
Crypto "minds" can't grasp reality,
Fiat "minds" can't grasp crypto,
and that is the jist of things as far as WHY we can't move forwards with this entire new concept that crpyto, and in particular Steem have to offer.
Great, out of the box, I really like the idea of the methodology used by the scientist Peter Checkland, to solve complex problems:
Learning: Continuous flow of ideas, knowledge, etc.
Culture: Understanding the problem, limits restrictions.
Participation: A more participation, more success.
Modes of thoughts: Divided into the current of logical inquiry and the current of cultural research.
We debated in two thoughts, unification of criteria, and a plan of decisive action.