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RE: Steemit Update

in #steem6 years ago

Take your blog and go home then. Those of us who intend to stay and build an ecosystem will have to be economically sustainable. Bloggers have been feeling the pain for months and it's time to actually solve the monetiztion problem. Ads need to exist also because currently people are paying bots to upvote when they could just buy promotion the right way.

And ads aren't bad if done right. Make it op-in, and do things right.


Take your blog and go home then.

That would solve so so many problems would it not if everyone just went home!

Bloggers have been feeling the pain for months and it's time to actually solve the monetiztion problem.

If you read back a few comments in this trail you will see that I am NOT your kind of blogger. I did not come to steemit to monetize myself. If you did look back you will see that I am a user of steemit.

After one and almost a half years I have still not bothered to look into how to buy, sell trade steem and make it into "REAL" money. It was only through playing steemmonsters that I was able to buy some steem. But the truth is I was not buying steem, I was buying digital cards to play a game.

Ads need to exist also because currently people are paying bots to upvote when they could just buy promotion the right way.

So ads are going to do away with the vote bots, as a user I do not see that happening.

All options need to be on the table and tried. We should also consider a referral program. It's time.

All options, as long as those options and opinions of the non-blog user, (such as myself), are not on the table. There are several types of people on steemit. There are those that are strictly investors, they do not blog, they may on occasion make a Post. There are the people that are using the blockchain as a means to develop programs and software, they are not bloggers, they may on occasion make a post about what they are doing and developing. There are the business owners, those that run bots for profit, steem style banks for profit, and games for profit. They do advertise to their customers via Post. Then there are the people like me, the social poster, the reader of your Blog content. The people YOU just said to Take your blog and go home then. I am not a blogger as I have, I thought, made it clear in my comments. I am the type of person that YOU as a blogger are trying to get to follow you and give you money, and you want me to "GO HOME"

All options need to be on the table and tried.

So all options as long as they do not involve the targeted audience. I hope you understand now that I am not a Blogger, that I am a user. The price of steem has one effect for me right now, it governs how much content I can give a valuable vote to. One day I may learn and jump through all the hoops and loops to convert steem into fiat money so that I can go buy things from the local store down the street. Until that happens I will continue to be a poster, reader and voter of content that I find to be of value to me, and hopefully the value will return to steem so that my vote can give be of value to people.

There are very few people that are concerned about the value of their vote toward other people. I am. So the price of steem does effect me.

If you read back a few comments in this trail you will see that I am NOT your kind of blogger. I did not come to steemit to monetize myself. If you did look back you will see that I am a user of steemit.

After one and almost a half years I have still not bothered to look into how to buy, sell trade steem and make it into "REAL" money. It was only through playing steemmonsters that I was able to buy some steem. But the truth is I was not buying steem, I was buying digital cards to play a game.

You are a part of the ecosystem but Steem Monsters is very new and also very niche. It's contributing to the growth of Steem so I support it but I do not know enough to know how it works.

So ads are going to do away with the vote bots, as a user I do not see that happening.

As a blogger the demand for upvote bots is due to the fact that we cannot promote our content in any more legitimate means. So if we want our content on the trending page then we have to pay the bots. It's a broken system because the bots are essentially a cartel. I would rather just pay the Steem blockchain itself.

All options, as long as those options and opinions of the non-blog user, (such as myself), are not on the table.

All options should be on the table and all opinions of participants in the ecosystem should be considered. I'm in favor of ads but I am also in favor of it being opt in. I'm in favor of ads specifically here for Steemit because Steemit is based around blogging while Steem Monsters is something else.

I guess we will have to see what will happen. Perhaps one of the other front ends will monetize and run ads in their system, such as They can auto add "Posted by" to the tail of all the post from their site (as many other front ends do also), so it should not be hard for them to add advertisement banners to the top or bottom of a poster's post.

It does not all need to be on the top of steemit's front end. An ad placed in this manner would still be visible on all front ends. Look at the footers of some of the posters, some of them have a lot of "banner's" at the foot of their post advertising this or that service or page or program.

posted with partico
posted with esteem
posted with Busy
Posted with steeve

These are all micro ads.