
"Not everyone who clicks on the vote button has invested $10-$50k... However I see your point." => Those who matter a tad bit do. Content creators don't care about 1 cent upvotes

And without investors there would be no upvotes and no money for content creator. This is a chicken and the egg problem.

I don't see it as chicken and egg, because the content exists whether the investors are there or not.

For instance, if people feel they'll get a better deal with Voice, or even Facebook, then that's where we will produce our content. Investors will always follow the content.

The reason big investors haven't made money, isn't because of a reward pool share, it's because the price has either tanked since investing, or stayed stagnant.

That is due to the fact that there are no longer enough users to keep things moving along nicely, plus of course the bidbots are hogging the majority of the pool.

So you can up it to 90/10 in favour of the investor, and you still won't make any money.
