Principle of Least Effort and 5 Reasons is the Killer App Bitcoin Was Waiting For.

in #steem9 years ago

I know I sounds like another fan-boy post about how STEEM is gonna go to the m00n but bear with me. This's for REAL!

The Principle of Least Effort

Here is what wikipedia has to say about the principle of least effort:

The principle of least effort is a broad theory that covers diverse fields from evolutionary biology to webpage design. It postulates that animals, people, even well designed machines will naturally choose the path of least resistance or "effort". It is closely related to many other similar principles: see Principle of least action or other articles listed below. This is perhaps best known or at least documented among researchers in the field of library and information science. Their principle states that an information seeking client will tend to use the most convenient search method, in the least exacting mode available. Information seeking behavior stops as soon as minimally acceptable results are found.

This theory holds true regardless of the user's proficiency as a searcher, or their level of subject expertise. Also this theory takes into account the user’s previous information seeking experience. The user will use the tools that are most familiar and easy to use that find results. The principle of least effort is known as a “deterministic description of human behavior.” The principle of least effort applies not only in the library context, but also to any information seeking activity. For example, one might consult a generalist co-worker down the hall rather than a specialist in another building, so long as the generalist's answers were within the threshold of acceptability.

This above resume my case for the fact that SteemIt IS, as we speak, the killer app we've all been waiting for. But let me break it down:

1. Low Barrier to Entry

Compared to any crypto projects out there, this one has been to easiest to adopt. Bitshares and Bitcoin took me over 4 weeks to figure out how to buy and use their platform. (Maybe I'm not that bright) I had to overcome tremendous resistance and inertia to be "in". Registering to Steemit took me 10 seconds.

2. It Jumps on Your Greed Glands

EMOTIONS are the driver of human behaviors and STEEMIT is rich in emotions. The very powerful "greed" that kicks in the first time one get a few hundred dollars under his post. But there is also the laughter we get along the way by going in the "funny" tag.

I've got a first hit for free and quickly saw my behaviors rewarded for engaging on the platform. No other projects did that for me.

3. Very Few New Behaviors Need To Be Learned

Learning new behaviors is a pain for a new user. Requiring someone to do something new is the quickest way for someone say: "Look dude, my life is short and I ain't got the time for this". What needs to be learned, like buying and selling STEEM, POWERING UP, etc. Are all behaviors that the user can learn once he is already hooked and has an actual monetary incentive to do so.


Contrary to other crypto projects like exchanges or money transfer, I CAN BE ON STEEMIT ALL DAY LONG. I am sure I am not alone in this. There are time when I forgot that I have a monetary incentive to be here and just keep on refreshing the page to see what crazy stuff I am going to see pop up in the "created" or "hot" section.

5. It's Viral

Now, that is the kicker that other crypto doesn't have. It's promote itself naturally without requiring anyone to push it. Yesterday I've share a funny meme about Hillary Clinton on /r/politics and got 31 comments...probably hundreds of hit on that post. Was I actively promoting Steem? Nope. But a savvy reddit user seeing that this post made $3 may perk is curiosity long enough to register an account.

All other crypto are stuck at doing hard-selling (self-promoting). In the case of Steemit, it's only a matter of sharing a funny meme on social media and people are exposed to the product right away.


Mark my words, this platform is going to be the biggest story in crypto. People who have never done crypto will, all of a sudden, find a reason to use it and to bridge between Steem Dollars and the real world.

#crypto-news #bitcoin #cryptocurrency


Usually blockchain projects fail because they can't offer anything actually useful for users. They might be technologically very advanced, but if users can't really do anything with the them, they will be abandoned.

It's very promising to see that Steem can already addict users even when it's only in beta and still under heavy development.

Dropping an atomic truth bomb here.

I remember the struggles you had trying to market BitShares. Sounds like you've got your groove on! There's nothing quite as powerful as an idea who's time has come!

I like it, it is easy to use and I don´t see that I use Blockchain technology. That is the right way to go guys.

Great Post! I agree with you on everything, You even made me realize another potential of steem it. I got excited reading this and i am glad that many of us feel the same way.

I totally agree with 4) :D

fantastic post! and i totally agree :D