Hello @daan! First let me say congratulations on becoming a dolohin and I am glad you decided to stick around. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
I second @brittandjosie’s nominations for @needleworkmonday and @steemitmamas! I am the founder of @needleworkmonday and our goal is to fill up the Steemit blockchain with the needle arts, sharing the beautiful hand skills of our Steemians. Every Monday we get together using the #needleworkmonday tag to share our passion, ideas, tips, patterns etc and we have a blast. The needle arts and the hard work it takes to make things is overlooked and a lot of times unappreciated. We are trying to change that and need help to be able to better support and reward the needle workers. We have a weekly curation and ongoing challenges under the @needleworkmonday account!
I am one of the mod’s for @steemitmamas and it is such a wonderful place for the mothers of Steemit to be! We have a ball sharing with one another and supporting each other’s busy lives. We believe in helping mothers to be their best here and support their work through curations and challenges. It’s been amazing collaborating with mothers from across the globe and sharing life together. There are some mothers who are also needleworkers and the @steemitmamas has supported us tremendously. They even host our Discord group under their server...we are working together to give love and support!
Thank you for your time and I hope you would consider these two initiatives as ones you delegate too! 😊
@daan METOO 😉 @crosheille AMEN
Thanks for the nomination @brittandjosie! 😘