Very interesting article. I agree with almost everything. 100% support the fact that Steem than Bitcoin. The only thing I disagree with, is that many investors have in their portfolio Steem. If this were so, the capitalization would be much more than 800 million.
I read the comments, as I did not want to repeat the repetitive questions. And I really liked your answer about why you should not be afraid of a massive decrease in SP. With your permission, I will quote it.
@miti, don’t worry. It won’t happen like that. It never has. Bull markets climb walls of worry and weakest holders sell into the rise. At the same time armies of investors are chasing the price because they think they would like to buy at last week’s price. Nothing ever went down because it went up, although it is a common misconception that asset prices are subject to the laws of gravity.
When it comes to investing the biggest mistake people make is to think that the old price was the correct one and that the new price is a temporary aberration which will be corrected due to some kind of “reversion to the mean” theory.
Good luck to you and good.
Очень интересная статья. Я, практически со всем, согласен. На 100% поддерживаю тот факт, что Steem чем Bitcoin. Единственное, с чем не соглашусь, это то что многие инвесторы имеют в своем портфеле Steem. Если бы это было так, капитализация была бы намного больше 800 миллионов.
Прочел комментарии, так, как не хотел повторять повторяющиеся вопросы. И мне очень понравился Ваш ответ поводу того, почему не стоит опасаться массового снижения SP. С Вашего позволения я его процитирую. Удачи Вам и добра.