From Bitcoin bubble to STEEM breeze by Craig Grant (STEEM report) - August 15, 2016

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Natural progress moves faster in the mechanical world.

Earth is LIGHT, and LIGHT is not flat or round, LIGHT has no shape

The time it takes for me to say and comprehend the word now, is 1 second, is now.

Being NOW, I deal with what is REAL, and never get emotionally attached to my imagination.

My mind is a hard drive and CPU that stores and processes my version of the world.

Information is separation. The matter in my life is now.

Want to read more?, you can purchase my book, released August 7, 2016.
Available on and many other book stores worldwide... Craig :)

Follow me @craig-grant, and have fun :)


Hi Craig, interesting video as always. I followed you over from your Youtube channel. Regardless of whether I agree with you or not I appreciate your ability to speak your mind. If you get a chance maybe have a look at my technical analysis videos, you may be interested. Cheers.

We have something else in common, my username is Latin and means "let there be light"

Hey Craig, when someone close to you dies. That will bring negitivity to your being you cant retreat from on your own. How do you continue to have fun after an event like this happens to you?

I celebrate death :)

If you have time please make a video explaining how it is possible for you to celebrate death

It's the tradition in the Jamaica Mountains where I am from, when a family member or friend dies, there is a big party, they call it "Dead Yard", it's the most popular type of party as there is a party like that almost every weekend, where everyone for miles away get together and party until dawn, sometimes people fly in from other countries, it's all about celebrating the life of the dead person, the more people show up is a reflection of the impact the dead person had on the lives of others. there is DJ music, in addition to that a special type of live band that only plays at dead yard parties. In most cases a goat and pig is slaughtered to feed the party people. Here is a photo I took of a goat that was slaughtered in the mountains where I from.

I believe they call this "celebration of Life" - I know someone who's family member passed and I was told they were going to celebrate and I gave this expression like what! are you insane! How can any0ne do such a thing but, as time passed(get it "time passed" and continues to move on like Craig stated:), I started to understand the concept. I can dig!

I don't go to her kind of parties, too many old people, as to how I will feel.. I wont feel anything. Even if my own child died, I would be concerned about Yuliana being hurt, and worried how she would handle it, I would be fine.. why?.. it's just LIGHT :)

That was magic! Thank you man!

my mother is already planing her party, as she is expected to die in the near future, she spending about $20,000 on it

How will you feel at the party?

it's just LIGHT :)

Don't get me wrong I think Bitcoin is still interesting and other currencies are interesting to me but I feel that there are a lot of things limiting Bitcoin right now. If it forks like Ethereum I feel it will be a big confusing mess for people wanting to enter this space.

bitcoin is ridiculous in terms of sound money. Its new technology and a means to exchange only therefore all these crypto currencies should really be free to use and are in fact utterly worthless. No different to pogs or something else. The idea of limited gives it more value, true it does but i can write something and say its the only one in existence but it doesn't mean it has any value. The money behind bitcoin just pushes this tech forward much faster in terms of development and this is the same thing that brings anything to the for front in society is a need or a problem to overcome. There is a real need for bitcoin right now for many reasons within society. People are protecting there wealth with bitcoin right now against fiat debasement for example. It gives everyone with computer access a free bank account. Money is simply a faith or a belief that everyone mutually accepts. I believe bitcoin was invented out of necessity and not just for fun. The only skeptical part in me thinks it might have been introduced by bankers to keep a lid on the gold market as all currencies across the globe go back to there intrinsic value.

By the way Craig - I was speaking to you yesterday about decimal points purely from a math theoretical perspective. I ma not a BITCOIN religious person. Like I said I have 0.3 BTC and the only reason I have that much is to spend it. :) It is not where I save. My savings at the moment is all steem power.

So I was debating with you, but I was not saying BITCOIN is great. I was simply indicating I didn't have your particular issue (that I was responding to) with bitcoin. Since it seemed to be related to decimal points. The US Dollar does lose value, thus why putting dollars in a savings account doesn't really save us much. Steem Dollars would be the same as US Dollars but at least we get 10% interest, so that should offset the inflation of the US Dollar and hopefully then some.

100,000,000 satoshis inside a bitcoin. :) 8 decimal places.

Yet the big problem with bitcoin is that it can't keep up with the number of transactions.


To dwinblood
We all have to remember, bitcoin 0r all digital currencies are still in it's infancy stage so, maybe bitcoin can't keep up with the transactions now, it will some day! I can't lie, 'Steem' is all I can think about now lol It's like when I first found bitcoin but much more fun:) And keep in mind that bitcoin developers can feed off of all this new growth from other blockchains and improve the bitcoin blockchain and what not maybe 10X greater than these new 0nes coming out. All I know is that I'm in l0ve with Crypto, period! It's a beautiful thing indeed.

All the economists are mentioning the $3000 mark. This is the tipping point where the decimal places will reduce and we'll all move to Mbtc or Sats and like it or not, you only have to look at the charts to see that it's coming. Maybe a few years but there are a hell of a lot more intelligent people on this planet than us who are tipping it's continued success. I was lucky and bought up big at $22. People think I'm crazy for holding but time is the greatest leveller.

Transaction times won't be an issue

Its always good listening to your thoughts craig. Its helpful to step back sometimes and get a non bias perspective on things as its all to easy to get lost in the bubble sometimes. Im not sure if your right or wrong but inside us all is two points of view. The upside and the flip side always has to be considered in everything we do. Some people say trading is gambling and like yeah i suppose it is but then everything in life is a gamble in my eyes and when we get stuck on a particular logic we tend to look for information that backs up our our thoughts and dis-miss anything which goes against it. This is why i enjoy your blog videos because it always challenges my own thoughts and helps make me step outside my own bubble for a while and into another. :)

I like your words :)

To jphamer1
Nice feed and exactly! Everything we do in life is basically a gamble. But! when it comes to 'trading the markets'(which I do by the way hence-TradZ), It's only gambling IF you don't know what your doing Or what to look for! " 'TradZ' is the name 'Trades' is tha game ":)

Congrats on being an Author

Interesting article thanks.

That is a good point that time seems to flow differently for different areas. Man I wish I learned about Steem four months ago

Don't worry! I wish I had got into it when I first seen it pop up but you know what, It's still dirt cheap and it's going to be a great future for 'Steem' so, get your coins stacked & get ready for a wild ride up the roller coaster!

Good luck in your endeavors

luck is for losers, I know I always win, no hope or luck needed

I disagree with you.

and I accept your disagreement with a smile

You can disagree all you want. But "luck" is something you create for yourself.

  • If you believe in external things influencing and deciding for you, things in your life, are way less likely to succeed. <.<

Derren Brown made a great show about it once.

I'm looking at history, when I say "there'll be an economic collaps". True, if you see human action, as economics.. Then you're absolutely right. The economy will continue to improve.

  • But when you look at history, today looks way too much like it did under "the great depression", and the even bigger "depression" that came a decade earlier, whom no one talks about. <.<

And personally, I just want it over with as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the worse it will be. And I really don't want to live somewhere, that looks like Venezuela. <.<

I live for now, not his-story, my story is now

True. But there's no reason to make the silly mistakes now, as others did in the past.

  • I stopped preaching about the collapsing economy though. Took to much time away, which I could spend on living my life. And besides. I've somewhat made sure, that I'll be affected as little as possible, if it should happen.