Woohoo! I've reached two more arbitrary milestones on Steem and have earned the right to make a post about it! Not only are these numbers multiples of 10 but they're also multiples of 1,000. OMFG!! Come and jerk in my circle with me :)
Fuck Yeah!
Thank you all for following
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Welcome..... to the new world. Cheers.
Congrats on your milestones, well done!
Wow, Congrats on that milestone, wish I get to reach it as well.
You are obviously so ligend.Go ahead.
@resteem & follow done.
Good job man. I know you have been hustling for a long time.
nice good
Wow am happy for you an also longing to have such follower and a large steem power I will be happy if you can give minors like me tips on how to get all this. Thanks
I hope to recreate something like this for myself one but day :)Congrats @contentjunkie...