Let's Have a Tearable Pun Contest!

in #steem8 years ago

Okay so I see someone tried to do this 9 months ago and didn't carry this baby to term. Meow that disappoints me more than you could, no? I say we try this pun more time with no hard failings. We have one week until this post pays out and I want to see some real community effort on this one. I want your most tear-able puns you can come up with. The prize pool will be ether: the liquid rewards of this post or if this post is too pour then I'll put up 25 steem (because the liquid evaporated, eh? eh? get it? eh?).

The theme for this contest this week will be birthday puns. Anyone is welcome to submit a pun, original puns and original memes/illustrations are highly preferred and much more likely to win. Don't worry if all of your birthday puns don't quite take the cake, we have plenty of tissues if these tear-able puns leave you feline too torn up over your loss. If we have too many punny entries we may even have to console some of you for your loss. The punnier the better. Re-steem and invite anyone deer to you so we can all have some fawn.


Entries MUST be in the form of a comment on this post. I will divide the reward pool as I see fit, first place will get a minimum of 15 steem. As you can tell I have come up with some of the worst puns imaginable over the years and I can tell which of these are the worst trust me, I'm a doctor-er of words.


Enters 10 puns into the pun contest without reading the theme to see if any would win, no pun in ten did.

Haha! Missed reading this. I thought you wouldn't know.

Hope you aren't a PUNisher! :)

I'm more worried about them being PUNctual by the 7 day guideline. :P

HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just won your own freakin contest right dere and you are not even being a Dix about it either!

Now Now
Dix like @clayboyn are not easy to CUM by!

Meow it would seem that I am feline a disturbance in the puntinuum @barrydutton. @breezin was channeling her pun powers to strike out and bowl us over while we were caught off guard. The force is stronger than the coffee that I'm draining into myself. Engage with a ring of cautiousness, or perhaps a really large diamond.

Oh my goodness would you like some cheese with your WHINE?

I prefer cheesy puns that make people whine at how cringey they are lol.

but all my puns that goes well with cheezy is OriGONEo

Scandalous LOL!

Insert Breakfast Club scene about the pristine girl comments lol!!

Puns are so Immature, but I do love the smell of adolESSESNCE first thing in the morning!

Essesentence nearly too!


In your close to the crackers post, your hair looked like it might be graying.

I think it makes you look more extinguished.

At least birthday cakes have candles so this one works as a birthday pun.

Did you know William Tell and his family were avid bowlers? It's true. But, unfortunately, a fire destroyed all the league records, so we'll never know for whom the Tells bowled.


Telling someone who's spouse has died of a heart attack, "You must be broken hearted!"

Well, it is sought of related, cause if you have too many Birthday's you will have a heart attack :-D

I did say the worst puns you could come up with, so I'll allow it.

Birth-Daze Happiness cums from Ha penis...go fig-your you god to blow all the ken-dolls and make a wis-h. Birthday love is where the Pen-Is..the math to sine the card, weather you like it or not, the ken-dolls are steem'n hot. Add-Diction to blowing all the ken-dolls is a madder of per sun presents.

That took some effort!

lolol in-deed it did...you mean blowing all the ken-dolls rite?

I thought that was just a hobby, I meant typing all of that out!


Birthdays are great fun, but I heard too many can kill you.

I hate insects puns, they really bug me.

Great initiative. It's 8 am here in India.

I just woke up and I am trying to eat a clock.

And you know what? It's very time consuming.

There was once a Steemer named @clayboyn.

He held a contest for the best pun and I wrote ten puns wishing one of 'em will win.

Sadly, no pun in ten did.

Anyway, I really hope the best one wins.

Shall be back later.

Thank you for organizing this contest @clayboyn!

Time to read some books now!

Speaking of books, when I think about 'em, I touch myshelf. ;-)

I love this pun.

Thank you!

None of these puns are related to birthday theme, and there is a reason for this:

I am a VERY busy man.

My astronomy friends are celebrating my birthday today, so I will check back later with you! :)

You know how they celebrate birthdays, right?

They planet. ;-)


Nice, nice, it isn't my birthday, just the birthday of someone important to me coming up in a week and they love puns as much as I do!

That is just so PUNny and cute!


maybe get him a ToYODA for his birthday?

OMG that radio contest where the gave away the Toy Yoda was so fucking hilarious.

I missed that :(

Or even a Ferrari, Yoda said the Horse is strong in that one!

Why did the dad boat take his son boat to the dock? It was his first berth day.

My pops so old, on his bet days he gamble's on his age

Your mom's so old she schedules doctor appointments with the Paleontologist

Hahhaha. That's a good one!

There's nothing I candle about getting fired.

Lol. I'm not going to explain this 😂😂😂😂

Happy birthday to a cousin who is funny, smart, popular, successful and sexy!
Did I say" to" ?
I meant "from" !

LOL, well that is certainly pretty cringe-worthy.

If you cod just catch an of-fish-hole look at mahi mahi pole-file herr-ing steemit @bbrewer, you'd know mahi mahi birthday wish I'd pike and reely bream too have come true is to catch and steem a fish chum day as big as a whale blew.

Did you hear about the man who went to the Asian massage parlor for his ninetieth birthday? He died, but at least his life had a happy ending.



Chuck Norris invented birthdays!

What came first, the Chuck or the Norris.

I didn't limit it. I just want to see some puns I haven't seen/thought up before :P

Aspirations- It is nice to see you have a sense of humour about your breathing issues here m'Lord!

Vader?? I hardly knew her!!

Damn these guys' puns really blow

I'm really the best choice, don't try to Weasley your way out of picking me

"Blow out your candles and make a wish, and may all your trades be in the money. "

Left you a short message!

This contest and everyone replying is sofa king we Todd did!

Right, moist of them don't even barter to reed the theme.

All hail the grande dame of birthday punnage Sandra Boynton

You might want to try "right click + copy image" or dragging and dropping into the entry field to copy the image. The link isn't formatted to display unfortunately.

Thanks! I am new to this and mess it up

It is that classic cartoon, hippo birdie two ewes

Two hours! I haven't read it yet, better be quick :)

Hey, this is the first time I've come across this particular message when trying to vote: Cannot increase payout within last twelve hours before payout. Anyone know why that is?

I had middle eastern food for dinner and I falafel!

LOL, nice!

To the guy who invented the zero...thanks for nothing! (I heard that one somewhere, can't take credit lol)