Personally I can't blame any whales or normies who powered down or shoved as much as they could into their own pockets as a hedge against the fall in price, the trend is still down even with tether still in operation, imagine the carnage that will happen if tether gets raided.
Yes, there is a lot that people on steemit could do to change the culture here, how people vote and behave, and our perception to the outside world, but in addition to that there are still elements largely out of our control that have been driving the price up to begin with (to the benefit of holders, actually).
Agreed. Though thousands of years has shown us that you can't fix human nature. Rules/protocols need to be adopted where the entire platform can have people working to maximize their profit potential while also not having it cannibalize the entire system because of it. Not an easy task, but one that can be done better than it is currently.
Yeah, a system with potentials to min-max just hurts those who don't want to max, they really do need to flatten those sorts of extraneous loopholes while retaining value for investors.
Very True Sir.