"Quantum Transmutation" (Original)
[Connection Established to New Archive]
[Player: "Ramses"] [Status: Online]
-Transmission #2 [Online]-
[Transmission #1 - Now Online] {Date of Original Transmission - [June 11, 2019]*
New Transmissions automatically saved into Archive as future transmissions become isolated for download.
(Timestamp: June 11, year 2019)
{Psion Paladin Agent 21 Player:"Ramses"} [Transmission #1 (8 Months Old]
[Transmission #2 - Now Online] {Date of Original Transmission - [June 26, 2021]*
(Timeline Latency must be factored, due to apparent timeline difference between players)
( [Player:"Ramses"] Timeline Still Synching up with [Player:"T.Aurelius"] timeline)
[User:"Ramses"][Ongoing Communication Through Text Via Mercury|OS Foreign APP with label:"Facebook" - Now online to monitor.
[Ongoing transmissions found to be Privately Communicated via New Secured Idola|Tree server ~> https://www.facebook.com/Ramses-21-104769977748327/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Current Level Stats For Player: {[ Arch Magus ]} - [ T. Aurelius ] :
| Magus T. Aurelius | { Elders Guild } | 7778 EXP ~> LVL UP!!!
LVL 15 [Arch Magus] ~> { LVLUP } NOW ~> LVL25!! [Arch Magus]
Charisma : 57 - { LVL UP } - : 77
Strength : 27 - { LVL UP } - : 55
Learning ~> Planeswalker Skillset ~> In Progress (77%)
Learning ~> Blue Magick Skillset ~> In Progress (55%)
Continue to follow Magus T. Aurelius on his dynamic Witchpunk adventure by using the hashtag: #chaospunk !
~ New Episodes Continue to be updated!! ~
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"This is not a game."