[Click] - {[X]} [Sliding into {Phase 7} - Dialed into the {21st Codex}
[Awaiting Connection]
[...Awaiting Signal]
[...Awaiting Signal]
[Connection Attempt: Failure]
[Error: Code 78824 - Codex Unrecognized]
[Codex Connection Failed During Priming Initiative]
[Signal Broken]
After a few more failed attempts at establishing a working connection to "The Mystery Alchemist", I unscrew, and open up my (EPC) device and come to discover that my device is missing a few vital components that are necessary to connect to the codex spectrum .. but, as the old saying goes, "Failure almost always comes before success." Luckily, because I made this discovery, once corrected, my (EPC) device will work much more effectively as long as I correctly troubleshoot and make the proper adjustments to the internal components very slowly and with great care.
"At least I know what's wrong now! .. I'll take that as a massive bonus .. The key to success is to look for, and grasp on tightly to EVERY strand of silver lining that I discover. Optimism is a crucial mindset to learn how to embody and wield when faced with any degree of challenge that comes to be encountered during life."
[sigh] --- "Alright, lets get back to work .. I think I'm almost complete."
~{ 33 hours later }~ ...
My mind is racing a mile a minute as i obsessively ruminate upon and install the final new pieces into my (EPC) .. In order for this new experiment to succeed I needed to design, fine tune, and ever so carefully adjust the inner parameters of my personal (EPC) device .. I begin by installing a holographic display onto the outer frame of my (EPC) device. I also designed a port that would allow me to wirelessly transmit the holographic symbol straight to my black scrying stone for a deeper, more defined vision, allowing for a more natural holographic visual effect, however I can only use this connection when I wasn't outside on the go .. I can't lug the scrying stone around with me everywhere I go, so the connection to the scrying stone is only available to me when I'm at home in the lab.
)|~)|Tinker Tinker Tinker|(~|(
(Image found via Google Image Search /Source/)
Quantum Alchemy
Now the next step was that I had to attach and design an entirely new internal device that interprets the super subtle shifts that appear between the wavering entangled codex addresses which appear nearly instantaneously. The super subtle shifts must be measured by this device, so to become apparent during the exact moment a breakage occurs through the connected channel. Now, the moment a codex break occurs, a new codex marker becomes animated and is instantly connected through the new component I've installed. The new component automatically highlights an array of entangled codex markers so that the (EPC) device can observe the precise moment any entangled timelines accidentally collapses upon itself. Now the severed connection can immediately be recovered in order to finally establish a fluid, near seamless connection between the parties. All of these changing variables move at light speed and are experienced immediately as their effects manifest in real time.
The process is much like having a multitude of bubbles suddenly launch in the air, and choosing the optimal bubble to attach to. Each bubble can be seen as an individual parallel reality. Eventually, even the original connected bubble will burst as well, but this can be reconciled by carefully connecting with another bubble that will fuse beside and into the original bubble, so the device I've installed basically steers a new bubble directly beside the original bubble before the connected bubble naturally bursts .. This process is all done automatically within microscopic fields.
Now that this new component has been installed, downloading/uploading the data between the two channel should now, in theory, stream seamlessly between the two connected channels, despite the fact that we more than likely exist within entirely alternate universes from one another .. Soon, we may make a massive discovery as to whether or not it's actually possible to hold a conversation, and exchange data with someone who exists in an entirely alternate/parallel timeline! ..
At this point, we are unable to communicate on the fly, but we can at least send and receive transmissions between each other if this works right.
"I think it should now be set to make another attempt."
Overstimulated and deprived of sleep, I've been obsessively toiling away on this project non stop .. All I've been able to focus on was this project as well as the critical adjustments that had to be made to my (EPC) device. "There are just TOO many interesting things happening right now!I .. but I do need to settle down.. time to just chill out for a bit."
I plant myself firmly on the ground, directly on the outskirts of the [7point] star that is located in the middle of the room, and I adjust and position myself seated in lotus position. Due to the intensity of the energy experienced, I can't sit directly in the center. After roughly 20 minutes or so, my mind has become relatively peaceful.
"Phew! ... I think I've got this! ..Now let's try this again."
~{ Fingers Crossed! }~
"Now, we'll go over the directions written by our friend ONCE more!"
Alchemists Directions:
For now, during the initial transmissions, for added spiritual safety, as well as to promote and embody aetheric cleanliness, it is ALWAYS advised and suggested by me that you are seated as close to the center of the [7point] star found directly in the middle of the room .. This basic symbol of a seven pointed star is immensely powerful and is useful for protection. [7point] acts as a spiritual firewall and is an incredible spiritual deterrent that protects the magician against malevolent spirits who may wish to enter the circle uninvited.
The dial on the side of your (EPC) device must be dialed into Phase 7 in order to properly connect with my personal life-stream and simultaneously clarify the channel further. For further reduction of anomalous timeline-hitches and other unwanted anomalies, this next suggestion is CRITICAL, and should also naturally reduce any static/turbulence that you may experience through this convoluted method of novel communication. however I'm beginning to digress ..
The key to a complete and clean connection to my channel is this: you must attune your (EPC) device to converge automatically during it's ascension into the 21st codex, OR "7 to the power of 3" (whichever method is easier for you). From my own personal tests that I've run thus far, I've seen minimal breakups or hitches when this method has been properly implemented. By my logic this communciation method should work quite well, despite some various hiccups that we may or may not experience (hiccups are to expected within ANY experiment, as you know). Depending on which make and model of the (EPC) device that you are currently using, as well as the Your own unique "Storage|Cloud" named “Cloud7” which you should now be connected to store/upload/download critical documents and books at all times at your fingertips very beckoning.. Anything that you directly upload into the "Cloud7" storage cloud server, will directly and immediately be shared with me as well as the Pleadian Backup Crew, always with immediacy to be called upon by your own discretion. You may or may not need to go into your (EPC) device yourself and make the proper adjustments necessary for the new adjustments to work the way in which I've described .. In my timeline, this is a brand new, groundbreaking experiment, so we've got to remember this fact and keep that in mind .. patience here is a must!!
Link to [Cloud7] Archive :((( https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B5Lol9-fu8UeM6XuMOuIffaR4i1OB3qt )))
"Alright here we go, fate don't fail me now!"
Final Connections Established - "Quantum Transmutation"
///Boot Sequence Initiated///
|<)||( UniCoreSet|OS ) Vers. 3.8 omega )||(>|[
( 6 Digit DEMI|PASS <:| |V|E|X|?|?|?| |:> )
( Processing )( VEX - {X}-{X}-{X} )
/User-Bio|Tag/ ~ ( [X] = Click | Pass )~>
] [X] "[|M|a|g|u|s|T|]"
[ Click ]
/// Confirmed ///
] [X] [ (| Launch |) ... <Click>
[ Sec-Test: Complete ]
[ Security: High ]
[7point]{ X }| Firewall |{ X }|Activated|
[Functionality: 100%] | [ X ] Anticipated | ...
||| Welcome to |OS| Mercury | Admin: Magus T |||
<New hardware detected!>
Scanning for firmware updates...
4 NEW updates found!....
Update All? (Y/N) [Y] <click>
Welcome to |OS| Mercury | Via. Sympatico Family Mainframe |{:
"It all begins with your [Click]!
[Click] {[X]}
[Phase Shift] [Phase [3] -> [X] -> {<[7]-[7]-[7]>}
[Shift into Phase [7] Initiated]
[Sliding into {Phase 7}, dialed into the {21st Codex}
Sympatico: "Brace yourself as we shift into a higher dimensional Plane"
|||| Phase 3 | ~>X<<<<<<< |({[ Phase 7 ]})|>>>>>>>|||||||{[VII]}|||||||
{Codex Slider begins to gradually dial higher in numerical ascension}
{Transitional ascension halts as I manually lock codex into it's new stationary placement precisely sitting in the 21st gradient.}
[Click} [Codex: 21] ~> {LOCKED}
"Hand in glove .. A perfect fit!" .. "How satisfying!"
<7 X 21 =<[147]-[147]-[147]><[ X ]-[ X ]-[ X ]> Dividing Variables |||
||| *Calculated Results Contained in "[ X ]" Field |||
[Establishing New Connection]
{User: "Ramses" -> [Action: Connect]}
[* ...Awaiting Signal ]*
[* Signal Found ]*
[* Connection to User: {"Ramses"} Established ]*
[* "Ramses" granted Admin status to |OS| Mercury Framework ]
[ Cloud7 ] Archive Tethered
Sympatico: "ALL Connection Variables Saved in order to simplify future connections*"
(Original Artwork: Complete Protected Bio-Symbol of Ramses - Complete Entanglement)
Sympatico: ( user: Ramses ) Bio-Symbol Now Uploaded! Connection and timeline variables relating to { user: "Ramses" } address now saved automatically and stored for ease, in order to simplify any connections made in the future. Fluid Connection NOW Established!
In the future, all you must do to establish communication between { user: "Ramses" } and yourself, simply touch or visualize his symbol, and vocally say out loud: "Ramses - Connect", and a clear connection between the both of you will instantly be established.. and to immediately close the channel, simply say "Ramses - Disconnect." The variables relating to the functionality of your connection with him will be now be saved, and may be re-established whenever you wish throughout your communications."
Welcome to the Phase 7: Codex 21 [777] potentially entangled addresses are now pre-mapped!]
Connection static is heard as I slowly turn up and adjust the devices volume.
The holographic display successfully lights up on my Scrying stone as I've rightfully anticipated.
((( SOON TO COME )))
(Transmission origin - [User: "Ramses"])
[Gathering Data Archive]
[Estimated wait time: 28 hours]
"Abrahadabra!" (I create what I speak)
Link to [Cloud7 Archive] = https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B5Lol9-fu8UeM6XuMOuIffaR4i1OB3qt
Current Level Stats For Character {[ Arch Magus ]} [ T. Aurelius ] :
**| Magus T. Aurelius | { Elders Guild } | 1321 EXP ~> LVL UP!!!
LVL 15 [Arch Magus] ^LVLUP^ NOW ~> LVL16 [Arch Magus]
Charisma : 57 - LVL SAM - : 57
Strength : 27 - LVL SAM - : 27
Learning ~> Planeswalker Skillset ~> In Progress (30%)
Learning ~> Blue Magick Skillset ~> In Progress (35%)
Continue to follow Magus T. Aurelius on his dynamic Witchpunk adventure by using the hashtag: #chaospunk !
~ DAILY ~ Upcoming Episodic Updates!! ~
Missed an Issue? .. Go back and find every previous issue saved on my page! (chaospunk)
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"This is not a game."