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RE: Dropping in Alexa Rank - Write Posts Reflecting Current Trends to Catch SEO Traffic!

in #steem6 years ago

I joined steemit originally for it's SEO value. While I was into BTC in 2013, I had no idea about altcoins and steem. I just wrote to rank keywords in Google for clients. I think this is an excellent idea and I hope the community embraces it. I have always felt that every business should have a steemit page if only to take up real estate on page 1 of google for their business name. There are tons of possibilities for SEO benefits from steemit and now the tribes.


That's fantastic, so I take it you are an SEO expert? I would like to talk to you more if so, in order to evaluate the shortcoming of the various Steem frontend SEO as well as our project @tokenbb. Feel free to contact me in DM on Discord, join

I wouldn't say expert but I started in SEO in 2008 as a job and have worked on my own sites since 2012. I'll look into the discord. I don't go there much. The alexa ranking for steemit is what caught my eye. Having a link from such a powerful domain back to my site was a no brainer. I got caught up in the token about 6 months later. I'm happy to advise where I can but I haven't stayed on top of things in SEO for a year or two.