Daily Horoscope: Tuesday Oct 24

in #steem7 years ago


You have gotten so used to immersing yourself in a certain moment from your past, that it's kind of like soaking in a deep, warm bubble bath. The emotions that envelop you are comforting, but at the same time, the realization that these times are gone may be upsetting on some level. It's nice to have this memory, Aries, but you need to keep it nicely tucked into its proper place. Don't allow it as much room as it currently has, then you will have room for something that can bring you actual, present-moment joy.


The steps you have been taking toward a goal have been laborious at best. It's as if each time you lift one foot, the other foot feels like leaden weights. But each of those steps represents progress and forward motion in the direction of success. You need to be more presently aware of this, Taurus. You need to recognize this and remind yourself of it every time the going gets tough, because it'll make it easier. You are getting there, and the rewards will be sweet.


Communication is not about telling only your side of the story. True communication involves quite a bit of listening, absorbing, analyzing, and then responding to what someone else needs to communicate. You may think you have clearly conveyed a message to someone, Gemini - and maybe you have. But have you truly heard and understood that person's reaction? Take some time to listen to someone. It will change everything for the better.


A choice you made yesterday seemed wise and logical. But today, Cancer, it may not seem quite so solid. You may be trying to find ways to believe in that choice again, but you keep coming back to the same conclusion. Obviously, living with it is not going to be the right answer for you. Rather than wasting your energy going around and round on that topic, be decisive and change that choice in a way that makes you feel satisfied that it's the best conclusion.


You may be tempted to try something because someone is pushing you to do so. However, Leo, your inner voice keeps telling you to just say no. Even though you usually opt for the more practical, common-sense approach, the one who is egging you on may be especially persuasive. Even so, if you go against your own intuition, and it backfires, it will be too late to turn back. Pay attention to that little voice - it hasn't led you wrong in the past.


Recently, Virgo, someone you know had a crazy idea, as we all do from time to time. You are practical enough to realize that keeping those crazy thoughts quiet in the back of your mind is the wise thing to do - at least until you have time to think it over and filter it properly before speaking. But your friend or loved one may not have that same talent, and so they spoke out of turn. You didn't hear the truth - you heard a distortion of the truth, or partial truth. Give them the gift of understanding. Give them time to figure it out, and make it right.


Are you rushing something now because you want to make a great impression on someone? Maybe you think that working extra quickly or doing more than you promised will win you extra respect. But there is another way to look at it, Libra. Imagine that you made a trip to the grocery store, and once home, you attempted to carry all the bags in at once to avoid a second trip to the car. But, on the way in, you dropped the eggs. In that case, you wouldn't be happy. Just do your best - without rushing - and do the stellar job you're capable of.


If you were traveling to a destination and you made a wrong turn, you could back track to the place of the mistake, and take it from there. You would not have to go all the way back to the beginning of your journey and start again. But that may be what you're doing now with a project that has gone off in the wrong direction. Try to backtrack to the point where things started to go wrong, and take it from there, Scorpio. You don't have to go back to the drawing board.


To be as happy as possible, you must learn to love the challenges life throws at you - not just the perfect times when everything goes your way. You may be facing an uphill battle now, Sagittarius. It may be frustrating and stressful, but you must face it anyway, so you might as well find something good in it, and something to enjoy about it. You may think that's impossible, and that you should just get on with it. But isn't there some valuable thing to learn, or something funny you can laugh about? If you look, you will find something beneficial, and it won't feel as much like a chore.


Just because someone is overflowing with logical opinions and brimming over with seemingly good advice, does not mean they are right. Someone disagrees with you, Capricorn, and they can come up with a lot of plausible reasons why you may be wrong. But when someone speaks with an air of authority, and seems to have a lot of knowledge about a subject, it still doesn't make their truth right for you. Listen and consider what this person has to say. If it rings true, use whatever good you can find in it. But give yourself the credit you deserve, and trust your own judgment.


If you discovered that your car needed a repair, you would probably take it to the service station and have it fixed as quickly as possible. That's because you wouldn't want to break down on the road, and wind up stranded. You may have discovered there is something wrong with a project at work or in your home life, yet, you have been procrastinating the repair. But if you put it off much longer, someone may discover it, and it could cause some kind of breakdown in some area of your life. Take care of this matter with urgency, then you can feel confident that nothing can go wrong.


Something hasn't been working very well in one of your relationships. You may be thinking about this now, as you have thought about it from time to time in the past, Pisces. Even so, your pattern has been to think about the problem, then let it go, because overall, the relationship works without fixing what's wrong. But don't you want it to be as good as it can be? If so, addressing this issue may cause a little bit of temporary turbulence, but ultimately, it will make your bond much happier and stronger.