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RE: Say hello to my little friend(s)...

in #steem6 years ago

For a newer account like yourself there probably isn't much reason to have an alt account. For me personally it was one of the things I liked about Steem compared with, say, Facebook - I started creating alt accounts right off the bat and have had a ton of fun with it. I have a... LOT of accounts LOL I only listed a few of them here. What I enjoy is assuming the personality of an alt account, an alter ego basically, almost an acting exercise in a way. See e.g. my @beelzebub account. I was having a lot of fun posting and commenting as a good natured devil. I put that account to bed though because I kept on running into people who were genuinely offended at the very name @beelzebub. My posting as @cyclops scratches the same itch for me but doesn't seem to offend anyone :)