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RE: Why Isn't Your Steemit Following And Earnings Growing?

in #steem7 years ago

Love the subtext of you in the pool. It's like look guys how easy it can be...everyone can have this with a bit of effort. So true what you said about 4000 followers on here = a million on twitter or instagram - Steemit is mostly active accounts (I think!)....some day in the not too distant future, everyone who was on here now is going to either be very grateful they took the time to take advantage and build a platform....or not.

I'm still trying to figure out my niche (are niches necessary on Steemit?!...probably best, right?) I'm definitely guilty of not always leaving comments (like on your posts) - just because sometimes I don't know what to say or other commenters have already said what I'm thinking - and better lol. I'm sure lots of Steemians like me out there...but good point. We can only gain - or worst case, stay neutral by commenting :-)


I really like your comment as I too have been wondering about the niche thing. On Youtube I'm pretty much entirely business and entrepreneurship type content as that's kind of what my audience expects. Starting on a new platform I definately want to continue making that type of content but also want to do more writing and blogging and just doing stuff on random stuff I find interesting. I'm not sure why exactly but I don't really feel the need to settle into a niche on this platform. That said I'm new so still figuring it out

Since Steemit is so new in the scheme of social media platforms - I think it's ok and even encouraged to post on a variety of topic. Since posts are categorized by the tag you chose - but your entire blog isn't - posting outside your niche won't hurt you the way it would on say...Twitter. That said, isn't part of business relaxation and pursuing hobbies? I'm sure your existing audience would love to see you doing whatever you want! (hey 'fun' writing on here can still make you money :-) )

Yeah while I love business I have all sorts of odds interests and obsessions so nice to mix things up. That's one of the things I'm really enjoying on here.

Awesome man - welcome :-) One thing if you don't know already (you probably do) - you can only vote so many times at 100% - and your upvoting power diminishes. I've been going crazy with my upvoting and now my 100% is worth half of what it was 2 days ago lol.

I was wrestling with how to handle this as well but currently my vote is worth next to nothing so whether someone gets 5 cents from me or a penny it doesn't really matter that much in terms of money but I think an upvote regardless of how much it pays makes people feel good so I been trying to spread a lot of love and make sure new people aren't getting discouraged or feeling like their content is getting lost in the shuffle or not getting viewed. Maybe as my account grows in power I'll get a little pickier about what gets an upvote as to reward the best stuff a bit more

Absolutely. Everyone loves the dopamine surge of seeing a 'like' -whether it's worth $0 or $100 (though, a $100 like would certainly double the dopamine lol).

I blog about a lot of different things but there are certainly niches. There are a couple people who mainly just blog about food.

There are others who there whole blog is about crypto currencies.

The thing that makes me stand out or more visible is because I do the pool meetings and no one else does that to suddenly I become a recognized person on the platform.

It will be hard to find your grove but honestly I just blog about anything and enter the meme challenges and picture challenges and just go crazy over commenting on stuff.

Great advice. Consistency is key . I think the pool initially attracts followers - but its your informative content that keeps us following!

That is good to know. The pool meetings are kind of time consuming by the time I render and upload and all that. It is good to know it is helping out.

Totally! Not like you need a minnow to tell you keep up the good work lol. But keep it up!

I like the name pool meetings. First time hearing about them... very cool.

That's because I invented the concept! 😎 I think that world leaders should have pool meetings. That way they will be on better terms!

It's a pretty great invention. It was fun to watch. You should swim around a little, too, lol.

Lately the vast majority of my Youtube videos have been me in the car talking where as I oftentimes will try to do stuff in the backyard or screencasts, just been crazy busy and that's been the only time I could fit in vids but I definately gotta start doing less in my car lol. A pool is definately cooler and more memorable than the inside of my hyundai elantra lol. Unfortuately I don't have a pool as I'm in IL but the place I bought does have a hot tub so maybe I'll be the hottub dude lol

Yeah so I thought a lot about this. Driving in a car and talking is actually very engaging for a person. The first time I saw that done was in 2009 for a guy who was pitching a real estate investment book. I realized that people get locked onto it because there is stuff going by outside.
When I came up with the pool meeting concept I thought in my mind that maybe people will get hypnotized by the little waves and get locked in the same way people get locked into watching someone in the car.
Also I think I'm going to get a blow up dolphin to add to the pool as well. I have the killer whale. Then on down the line I might just order a blow up sex doll and it will randomly float by behind me and people will be like WTF!!! did you see that sex doll!!!! Hahahha

Funny thing with the car thing. For me I think I do the car alot mostly for efficiency kill two birds with one stone while im driving to the office knock out a video. I'm sometimes a little uncomfortable just talking to the camera so also driving gives me something to keep me somewhat occupied as opposed to just sitting there staring at the camera lens.

That said I've had a few people saying to mix it up or occasionally people will comment on what's in my backseat. I had kind of a funny idea to hire a couple hot girls off craigslist or backpage or something and just have them sitting in my backseat as I drive and make my video, but i thouoght it would be funny to like not even acknowledge the fact they were there and just wait for comments like dude wtf you got 3 girls in bikinis in the back lol. Just something goofy to mix things up a bit and keep people entertained.

I have a great backyard for a backdrop but unfortunately live on a busy street so road noise is a bit of a pain but I'd like to do some more backyard vids

Yeah that would be hilarious if you had some hotties just sitting in the back while you did the video. You would be like Tai Lopez where there are just these random Insta-hotties sitting around pretending to listen to him. LOL

ha, I never thought about that but yeah who's all these 20 something chicks on his plane with him just sitting around him smiling as he talks about life.

He cracks me up and I applaud him. It is very well played. Also notice that when he is in his leased house that there are always people standing around listening to him talk. It caused people to subconsciously believe that what he is saying is more important and that people are always listening when he talks. People have a herd mentality so when they see others doing a certain thing they follow. It is oftentimes more effective that way than when he talks to the camera by himself.

Another thing I have noticed is that these guys who have cookie cutter mental masterbation advice can gain a far bigger following then someone who gives real advice like us. The reason is because when it comes down to actually taking action and getting on Amazon or eBay or getting on Steemit and posting....... well that is too hard. That would require work. But if someone like Tai has several nice leased cars and a leased house and talks about how you can make money in real estate and how there are 69 steps to becoming rich people just eat it up.

I have no ill will towards Tai Lopez. He recognized these things and played the game very well.