I'm Amazed The Price of STEEM is Still Close to a $1 & Extremely Hopeful!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

The current price of STEEM is .92 and you may think its a bad thing with it very recently at double that but that's not what I see. Have you looked at the entire Crypto Market lately... Of course you have your on Steemit 😉, well its awful. Bitcoin has just dropped below $2000 and Ethereum seems to be half itself almost every week but guess what? STEEM is holding its own. We have seen a lot of movement between the Dollar marks $1-$2 and some strong buys that have countered the big sells.

If you're a long, like most of us here, then you have nothing to worry about. There will always be dips and corrections, its the nature of a market, and I personally won't make the mistake to panic sell this time. The Crypto Bubble as many warned about may be popping so do what you can to make money or just sit back and ride the wave. If and when you think we hit the bottom why not BUY 😎. Trust in STEEM and be apart of something great!

Remember To Vote blueorgy for witness!



Well said!

The way I see it with these market corrections: it's like stepping back in time to when the prices were as they are now, but having had a glimpse of the future. They're priceless.

@blueorgy Time to buy steem! y'all

price drops means people may want to buy in, right? And if people buy in... our current value goes up? I'm new to this but it seems logical to me to keep doing what i'm doing and stay.

I think we will see a massive on boarding of new steemians looking to do small purchases of steem to kick start their carrers here.

wow! Just followed! Follow me, too? :)

I'm buying STEEM!

I as well. ;)

I always have my faith in Steem but I really love to write and post here.

I totally agree! Now is the time to buy STEEM. I think it will be over well over $2 by the end of the year!

$2 by EOY very possible.

I predict that in August Steem will go over $2. it's one of the most stable coins right now

Yes I also see the potential , it will go Up

Yes, its seems that price is stable compared to other altcoins. Thats nice to see here on steemit. XD

Agreed. if we can hold down the fort through this we can make it through anything!

Yeah i think ill be expanding my steem coins this dip going into August. Like were most of my other coins are holding and steem looks like a good place to get rid of some btc. Its holding pretty steady to btc as well compared to usd.


I am also buying steem.

It's time to buy more and more!!!

Totally!! Sit back, don't panic, and ride the wave. We in this for the long run...
And, if you have any spare cash Lyon around - buy when it's low 😁😁

You are absolutely right..... What worries me is that I have 20 steem power now and I lost all my voting power the experience is not the same , which for fast recovery..

I had seen someplace that Steemit was designed to track the US$ in price so that has been something I have wanted to investigate. Do you happen to know anything on that topic @blueorgy?

I am planning to buy steems. But want to wait for a while to see whether I can get a better price.

It's awesome from all sides really

Second chance to buy in at low price points


Yeah I'm keeping my cryptos, I'd rather wait a long time for them to come back than sell and regret it if they bounce back.

Buy Steem! Buy Steem Power! Buy SBD!

Bork! Bork! Bork!

woweee! Bought more yup yup !

I took some of the money I cashed out and bought back in when it crashed It is gonna rise again and I am gonna double my money at least.