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RE: Why Does Payout Sometimes Go Down When You Upvote Something?

in #steem9 years ago

Because you are voting too many times in a short period of time. If you vote and vote and vote you will dilute your voting power. Do you need this in technical terms because I just tried to make it as simple as possible. Hope this helps


will your power dedilute cause in the begining i just upvoted everything as i tought i would get the most power then

Without getting super technical yes over time. I don't know the exact time frame unfortunately but try spreading your votes out through out the day and in the mean time u can do this

Yea, but that doesn't explain how I can bring down other people's value. I'm talking about when I see a post with let's say 5 votes and a pending payout of $.33 and then i upvote it and it goes down to like $.31 or something. I'm thinking @karbonxx may be right and it's just market rates changing.

I just told you, I suggest you read the white paper but basically voting and voting and voting is an attempt to abuse the system. So to correct this steemit has device a way to even the playing field so to speak. So the more you vote the more you dilute your voting power. It regenerates slowly. Try this, wait a few hours or so then vote again.