Why do I love Cryptocurrency? Why do I not trust banks? Simple Answers To Complex Questions!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Why I don't trust banks? Why do I LOVE crypto? Well lets take a look at DAVOS today.. SMUG CEO of Bank of America smurking and acting like he is so great on tv today, well I ask him this. WHY did your bank 4 years ago say I wrote a fraudulent check then 2 years ago pay me off in a class action lawsuit where literally thousands of other people had the same issue, you closed our accounts, stole our money, claimed we were frauds, caused us SERIOUS HARM to our CREDIT score, and then after YEARS of dealing with it SETTLE ADMITTING NO WRONG DOING and just give us our money back, NEVER removing the fucked up remarks you claimed like us writing bad checks or being overdrawn when we WERE NOT! WHY would a bank WRITE a check 2 years after they close your account and in court admit no wrong doing but WRITE that check if YOU wrote a bad check? IF YOU were a fraudster wouldn't YOU be in jail, not getting a CHECK FROM THE BANK THAT SCAMMED YOU??? FUCK BANK OF AMERICA! FUCK ALL BANKS! CRYPTOPIA! They wonder why we LOVE cryptocurrency? Because THEY aren't able to FUCK us with it!


its a shame we couldn't do anything about it for ages, until now

Thank god we have the ability now to control our own wealth and currency without these central bankers. We need their system to FAIL and be exposed for the SCAM it is! People are waking up it just needs to happen faster!


So true - I am just glad we are evolving into this new system of honesty and transparency so that no one can fleece you .

The only worry we have in the crypto space is the hackers but hopefully soon they will not be able to hack the block chain .

Banks are generally barstards, we had a massive scam in the UK called PPI (payment protection insurance) millions of people were conned into signing up for insurance (you could not be accepted for the credit card without it) and this insurance would have never paid out anyways.

PPI claims have been a big thing the last few years, I managed to claim back some PPI my mum paid, it was over 7k pounds!:O

its a shame we couldn't do anything about it for ages, until now

More options should help solve this type of shit