The ONLYNOT my bots. bot of my own that I used was @randowhale. The rest of the large votes on this post are
I didn't read past that because I'm assuming it's pure bullshit just like the beginning of your ignorant rant. You need to get a clue, right now you haven't got one.
bot of yours that has upvoted this post, but several of your other accounts have. Also, I have seen no evidence that you are not transisto, and so for all I know they're fucking all you.Don't attempt to obfuscate the issue. @randowhale may or may not be the only
But either way it does not matter. I have said my piece, and I won't keep giving you more excuses to rape the reward pool via comment upvotes.
Also, we all know you read it. And your electing to pretend you did not only highlights my point. It is time to grow up, Bernie. And that means start living up to the responsibilities that come with being a highly influential member of an economy that determines the well-being of (soon)millions-- and their families.
I'm going to grow up by making sure nobody sees the bullshit lies you are spreading, to start.
Thank you for the flags. They were very informative.
Also; feel free to quote me on one of these lies you speak of. I doubt you shall find one.
"determines the well-being of (soon)millions-- and their families" - fucking moron
I have to say, this message makes me happy. I was beginning to wonder if you were truly just sadistic, but it appears you are just ignorant.
I am just one person, and the comfort by which six lives are lived is determined primarily by my income on Steemit.
I'm just one blogger on here. What about all the minnows who have turned up here having been online looking for potential ways to feed their children after losing their jobs or some other reason.
You underestimate just how many people could benefit, or at least keep from poverty through this platform.
I know that not everyone deserving of rewards, but plenty are. And as STEEM grows, which it very likely will, we will see hundreds of thousands of new people arriving, most of whom I would imagine have other lives impacted greatly by their income.
My estimation is not an exaggeration. I exaggerate only for comedic purposes, and I see nothing funny about what is going on here. No. I would sooner say that it is breaking my heart to watch what we are all doing with something we could have used so much more productively.
LOL you rely primarily on Steemit to support 6 lives and I’m the ignorant one?!?
I suggest you find another source of income pretty quick...
Yes, and I have done for over a year now. Steemit is the primary source of funds, and I grow them as much as needed on the markets before withdrawing.
Thank you for your suggestion, but I am already onto it.
I'm hungry, and sometimes I can't always afford to feed my family. I am indeed relying on steemit to feed my family, at the very least, in the near future. While it's certainly not the only basket I'm relying on, it most certainly would be nice to be able to rely on it. It seems like it has potential, especially when I watch the money that others make on here for having been on the platform early.
You're saying that relying on steemit at all is a bad idea? Am I wasting my time? I have a daughter that I care about. I don't want to waste my time, and you seem to be in the know with insider information. Especially if you are saying that it's ignorant to think steemit could be a source of income...
I originally came here looking to comment on a whales (berniesanders) post to be seen and notice. I thought you (son of satire) were just antagonizing bernie but I agree with you. I now get what your are trying to say. It takes courage risking being flagged by bernie. I know we are all humans and make mistakes. One thing I just learned from your comment, is that there are people here on Steemit who use it as a source of income to feed their family. That makes me very sad. I am a working man with two kids and a wonderful wife. I make decent money but only held back by stupid student debt and other life's debt. I hope Steemit will be a good source of income that one day will allow me to fulfill my dreams and spend more time with the family. Ironic thing is, the time I spend on steemit, I can literally spend with my family. lol. I know I will make it big one day. Some lady prophesied I will be rich. That means I will be a future whale on Steemit. On that day, I hope I can stay humble to contribute back to the steemit community and not get money greedy.
That would be an awesome thing to do as a whale. Find people who need financial help and support them for a bit and encourage them. Get them on the right path. I know youtubers do collaboration to get their channels notice by other fans. Maybe something like that... anyhow take it easy guys and keep on Steeming!
Flagging you on this thread for
-abuse of your multiple sock puppet Steemit accounts used to upvote yourself
-abuse of your multiple sock puppet Steemit accounts to abusively downvote other Steemers.
-unmerit rewards
-overall abusive behavior