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RE: You know what Steem needs to survive?? NEW WITNESSES!!!

in #steem6 years ago

What has @therealwolf done to support Steem in the past 6 months?


I'm pretty sure this dude hates my guts but I think with enough time and energy, we'll become best friends.

That's not correct. I disagree with some of your opinions, but that doesn't nec. mean I hate you. Not sure how you come to this conclusion.

I wasn't being serious. And you know what? I'll tell you something right now. If things ever change around here, and us actual content producers get our stage back so we can make this place shine again... I won't hold anything against you or the others who make it nearly impossible for this place to shine, now. Cool?

I wish you would have pressed more to see what he would have said about you and your opinions, you accidentally hit something here! lol

Broke proof of brain and failed to support dissenting opinions?

Fake news. Proof of brain was broken even before I started developing Smartsteem. But thanks for not mentioning all the utmost positive things I did for Steem, clearly shows how blindsided you are.

This is probably a good time for YOU to mention the "utmost positive things." That would be cool.

Already did.

Cool! Good job.

Lol, I guess I missed that memo, too.

D'oh, there it is,...

Yep, if we could get the good separated from the bad, that would great.

That part wasn't very cool.

A little taste of more corrupts the best of 'em.

Don't get me started. We all know what happens when I get, started. That wouldn't be cool.

Bid bot market.

Doesn't participate much in steemit slack.

I do. Keep in mind that quantity isn't always quality.

Witness essential tools.
critical thinking.