Seems to me @ned has just given up and decided to cash the fuck out rather than actually giving a shit about this blockchain and website.

Explanation for high upvote :
Couldn’t agree more! There’s way too many people complaining that @ned should fix content they don’t like when the real solution is to putout better content.
Every social media site is like this. If Tom Cruise posts a black screen and I post an amazing photo Tom Cruise gets more likes. You need to grow a following and catchup to other creators then you can beat them.
The problem is ... Mediocrity rules Steem... have you seen the content people post? it's utter garbage ... i literally can't find more garbage in a land fill.... steem has taken all the garbage.
i fully agree it needs better content ...
the content on Facebook and Instagram is so much more solid.
I miss Hotdog Legs and pics of people in their shitty apartment mirrors
haha lol that's funny! yeah IG is more established ... i think that will eventually happen on Steem it will take some time
hopefully by this summer, we can have the top paying posts be a bunch of hot dog legs and pool pictures. that will get us up to standard with the rest of the social media content available out there.
on a serious note, I don't think we fully really utilized or comprehended the power and potential of an uncensored and democratized publishing platform, but I am excited for the future.
I kind of disagree. I don´t think Steemit generates garbage by itself. It is a large group of user that are in the business of transforming garbage into silver. And the Onwer of the Posts are the one responsible for Upvoting them, so incentivizing them to throw in more garbage.
At the beginning I was reluctant and no believer of Steemit due to the amount of garbage I then saw. However I saw a Great Potential as Free Publishing Platform as medium to do my work. I told myself: Well, a lot of people generate garbage and lot eat them too, but I an not run into that in expectation of milking de cow. I am going to concentrate doing my work. And that is what I did.
Since 2 week ago, I have being doing my work, but all of the sudden I started to see cash flow from Steemit. Even I was touched by a Whale, and now, I am defining myself as Blogger over what I do work. I reach the point of taking the Challenge of being Locutus of Steemit rather than of Borg
This is how I feel about steemit. I see Potential & Future, despite tons of garbage and crap thinking.
By the way, before knowing what steemit was, I thought it was a magazine. Everytime I was looking for something a steemit post pup up with the answer. It was latter I realized it was not a magazine. This example or experience of mind tells that good quality content matters and it is a powerful attractor.
In the mathematical field of dynamical systems, an attractor is a set of numerical values toward which a system tends to evolve, for a wide variety of starting conditions of the system. System values that get close enough to the attractor values remain close even if slightly disturbed.
Attractor - Wikipedia
Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.
Comment spam is currently defined by @steemcleaners as:
10 or more generic comments per day that are not in response to a question posed by the post or comment. “Thanks”, “Great Post!”, “Great Photo!”, “Good”, “Like”, “Nice”, “Wow”, “Cute”, “Follow me”, etc.
Commenting on old posts to hide self up-votes or a voting trail.
Copy/Paste comments that serve no purpose or the purpose is self promotion (including copying and pasting similar comments in rotating way).
Comments that inform the contributor that they have been up upvoted, resteemed, or flagged when the curator does not actually upvote, resteem, or flag the post.
Unsolicited and off topic referral links.
Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.
More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.
Not all of us post garbage.
I agree...
Good, because I tend to get a little bit defensive when I hear some of you folks say that, constantly. (Doesn't help things either when I go look at your blog and notice how you posted only one frickin' paragraph in your publication about four hours ago.)
Have a good day!
a pictures says 1000 words...(i have shot nike ads, bmw, mercedes, and many more) I am a cinematographer and work in the film industry ... i can't post pictures from movies sets because of contracts, i post images i take...
i didn't check your blog....
Also you are missing the point of the entire conversation ...
I am not raping the steem pool... you should probably read the blog you are commenting on before getting defensive...
everyone on here is a keyboard warrior ...
have a good day...
You gotta search a bit, but you can find it :)
That's the main problem. We need some kind of search engine and filters.
I only joined a couple weeks ago to check it out, and I fully agree. About 98% of this site is trash posts. It's tough to find decent content as well.
Unfortunately it takes time to find the better content producers. If you stick at it you will eventually find them. I don't even look at "new" posts any more. I find content from the people I follow.
But have you seen this lol
I agree that there is a ton of mediocre content on steemit, but there is also some quality content that is original. You need to look in the more abstract sections. If you sift through the pond scum, what do you expect to find???
If you can share some tags that are worth checking out, I'm more than happy to take a look. Finding good, original content here is painful.
Try openmic
Its a weekly competition in which talented people share their work.
Thanks for the tip!
To be honest this kind of content is everywhere on other social media giants like Facebook, Twitter etc. but because of the limited users on Steemit, it's more prominent. I agree though most of the content produced on steem is very half arsed.
I read tons of interesting and well-written articles everyday. And I usually spend hours on my own articles.
I'm a total noob here, so please correct me or add nuance if needed, but if garbage trends to the top, then isn't that our own fault for not being better curators? Let's search for the rose among the thorns (or diamond in the rough, needle in the haystack, or whatever other similar metaphor you prefer) and up-vote those mo-foes ;)
and that is what @berniesanders is, whiny little mouth breather
I don't know about this, but i like the cat photo in this post.
The other solution is to ignore the drama -- unless of course, you profit from it. :|
In case anybody doesn't understand the purpose of stirring up drama on social media, here's a quick explanation and a remedy! Remedy for Steemit Drama.
How do you define better content? Is having a deal with a whale to get shitposts to top make them good?
Do you think my post is 8x better than your comment? I put that 5.5 vote to specifically show you how steem is working currently.
:D looks like writing good content is a waste of time
Why We Should Thank Ned, Dan, Haejin & BernieSanders
This comment in my opinion isn’t any better or worse then mine but you got the money to have such a powerful self vote through hard work/good posts. So you likely bring more to the table than me and deserve the money more. Steem being valued so high, being buyable, and the early adapter advantage does throw things off a bit, but still I feel the principal is fair.
I specifically don’t back him...
Right, it's not necessarily content quality but having a following. Obviously, grabbing the coattails of an established influence is one way to gain some traction when you don't have an established following. If you are I don't think the top posters deserve Pulitzer prices, it doesn't matter. They have an audience. Did some of them gain that audience by buying them? Possibly, but marketing always costs money.
If you're tired of the drama, here's a remedy:
sounds like America
Well, it is like America. One group gets the other people riled up against a scapegoat all the time. Are other countries really different? Tell me where this utopian paradise is. I just thought it was human nature.
it's human behavior and human habits.
we are the only intelligent mammal species I know of that destroys itself by destroying one another.
it doesn't take more than one airplane flight to quickly wake up to the fact that this "nature" is nothing but a program set up centuries ago by the owner class and is maintained and defended by the passivity and wiliness to cooperate from the slave class.
Only in America have I seen the majority of the slave class worship their owners.
it's ok, change is coming. keep steeming and be ruthless in dealing with those who have abused their powers.
Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.
Comment spam is currently defined by @steemcleaners as:
10 or more generic comments per day that are not in response to a question posed by the post or comment. “Thanks”, “Great Post!”, “Great Photo!”, “Good”, “Like”, “Nice”, “Wow”, “Cute”, “Follow me”, etc.
Commenting on old posts to hide self up-votes or a voting trail.
Copy/Paste comments that serve no purpose or the purpose is self promotion (including copying and pasting similar comments in rotating way).
Comments that inform the contributor that they have been up upvoted, resteemed, or flagged when the curator does not actually upvote, resteem, or flag the post.
Unsolicited and off topic referral links.
Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.
More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.
I would have done that if I could 😂
Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.
Comment spam is currently defined by @steemcleaners as:
10 or more generic comments per day that are not in response to a question posed by the post or comment. “Thanks”, “Great Post!”, “Great Photo!”, “Good”, “Like”, “Nice”, “Wow”, “Cute”, “Follow me”, etc.
Commenting on old posts to hide self up-votes or a voting trail.
Copy/Paste comments that serve no purpose or the purpose is self promotion (including copying and pasting similar comments in rotating way).
Comments that inform the contributor that they have been up upvoted, resteemed, or flagged when the curator does not actually upvote, resteem, or flag the post.
Unsolicited and off topic referral links.
Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.
More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.
I would like to make 5.5 votes...any advice? Must I purchase Steem and "power up" ... is that how one steems?
Can’t wait to see it
steemit in a nice bite sized gif <3
I completely understand where you are coming from @berniesanders.
It is SO frustrating when I work on an article for 2 hours and it doesn't even make $1 and then I see people post an image and some gibberish and make $500 on it!
I mean, I'm not here just for the money, but when I put in a couple of hours worth of work to try and produce a piece of content that adds value to the site, it would be nice to get a little bit more than a buck or two. I'm not asking for hundreds of dollars. I'd be more than happy with $20.
It's getting very frustrating and I think it is the main reason why a lot of users are just quitting and withdrawing whatever Steem they were able to make.
I think it's sad and if word continues to spread, it will be harder and harder to retain current members and attract new ones.
Maybe people don't want a two hour post
Just because it took me 2 hours to create doesn't mean it takes people 2 hours to read. I do post other things like memes and videos as well.
That's the problem with the world. crap content rules, just look at music too. crap artists sell the most. Maybe one would adjust or keep to standard. quality pays in due time, crap pays faster than ever.
Memes, music and posts of any kind will be liked ot not, and that is not the point...
My questions are:
If people like music, pictures or posts that someone is making in 5 minutes rather that something that took you 3 days (I make videos that take a LOT of work) it's OK.
BUT, for what I've seen, some people can create the BEST content in the world and nobody is going to notice it. Other people don't even get the chance to NOT like it. It's invisible to them.
Maybe I'm not working hard enoug, maybe my content isn't that good... Maybe the system is broken.
I think that the #reward system should be fixed.I am very, very new here, I know that I'm not doing so bad for the time that I have been in #steemit, but I have seen some things that worry me.
I made a new twitter account and I tweet several times a day, an nobody even likes them. (They are awesome I promise) They don't even hand out money and you still have to cultivate and audience.
Nobody is going to make sure your awesome content gets noticed.
It's a hard truth, but you have to build relationships either through comments, voting bots or other promotion.
You are absolutely right. Some are more worried about making money than creating and upvoting good content. That's what's worrying me... I have realistic expectations, and I am still disappointed. Not because of the money, but because I feel that nobody cares, and probably that isn't even true, It just seems so...
We're all saying the same thing. Good content should be rewarded too because as it is, the system is skewed towards certain type while a lot of people who put in much work remain invisible. I guess everybody will learn to work the system as it is.
Interesting. Bernie reateemed ‘Show us your tits Tuesday’ and got over $70 for it. Quality content to be sure. *heavy sarcasm.’
Had to be said. Good job.
You have my upvote. I couldn't agree more. I'm also a new user who values quality content.
We live in a instant gratification world today my friend. Unfortunately, and many cannot be bothered with anything that requires aptitude and full attention.
TRUTH spoken dude
Hahahah, crap pays more than ever like in music. I like this one hey
Haha, well, that's what goes these days.
very true
"people" you mean self-voters or those abusing whale auto-votes?
I believe those whale bid bots being used to upvote mediocre content need to be countered with a flag bot if possible. Steem needs a new hero. I thought it was going to be Bernie until I noticed he started randowhale back after he had went on the attack against another bid bot which seemed very promising.
An extremely powerful anti-bid bot may be able to save this platform but current design makes that a difficult solution due to how much SP bid bots accumulate.
For the record, when I was new to Steemit, I was fooled into using bid bots by what I now believe to be faulty logic. Something didn't sit right and now I neither self-vote or use bid bots. Something just feels real greasy about it. It's like playing competitive sports and everybody is juicing up. I'm not going to do it just because everybody else is even they are poised to gain through leveraging such tactics. This had served as a major deterrent from my investing in this platform to the degree I otherwise would have and do not think I am alone. It's just sad the way this place has gone.
@anthonyadavisii: Very interesting explanation about bots. I have seen them too, but something ridiculous too: Human calling themselves Bots.
Regarding Bidding for Upvotes is like believing that if I give some one 1 cent, I will get back $100. My mind is not used to that kind of magic logic.
My Philosophy on Uptvoting is burning Voting Power to those whose ideas impact my mind regarding my learning of the Steemit Blockchain and the execution of my work. Be a single line, 5, 10 or 20.
That's purely a matter of opinion. Many people enjoy reading copious amounts of information. Crazy you got 5 upvotes for that thoughtless comment...
An author spending 2 hours in crafting a post is not something worthwhile? Well, I guess we should all just post cat videos (That doesn't take a lot of time or effort). Trending page here I come!
It's the whales at the top, and all their bot followers that auto-vote them to the Moon no matter what they post that is the major issue.
I personally am going to stay, and keep on trucking along, if the money comes, then so be it. If it doesn't, I'd rather be blogging on here, than on some centralized piece of shit like Medium.
and what is stopping you from doing that other than the guilt and shame you inherited from your slave ancestors?
Umm... what?
Amen to that @tolkatore! I'm with you on this one.
What's the rush?
I'd rather remain here, and keep on posting. Eventually, it'll compound into a mega BOOM!
Medium is too quiet and now wants to gouge you for subs. Wordpress has traffic but a terrible editing experience. Blogger, well that just blows chunks all round. FB? Get real...
All things being equally sucky, you might as well invest your talent in an emerging platform and hope you can influence it.
A lot of fixes need to come to Steemit, before mass adoption can take place though.
amen brother most artists don't get rich until after they're dead anyway
Well my friend I want to get rich now before I go to heaven.
@contentking Thats the same I thaugt. Its really frustrating, i asked bernie sanders some questions but didnt get an answer. Perhaps we get it now. @berniesanders I really respect it that you obviously want to make steemit a better place. But you are also making big money with really short posts. You could also decline the money or spent it to support small accounts. So what is your plan to make steemit better? And I thing you have the chance to change something.
This is the question I asked before:
"The case with Haejin is damn unfair, but why are you angry? You earn with a schort writing over 800. You are one of the kings;) I put in an article more than 3 hours and just got 30 cents. So thats how life and steemit works. What are your ideas to make it better? Obviously you have some power and can do something. Does flagging really work? You have a really bad reputation but it doesnt matter. So you are kind invincible. But are you the only one? Much success if you want to make steemit better"
I'm experiencing the same situation, and would love to know as well :)
I also want to make money on here so please help me a bit by voting on my articles please.
Good that you are honest, I know that money is essential to live but dont expect to make much money, you will make more money if you are doing some normal work. I do it mostly because I having fun writing here but I alsowould like to get appreciated for my work and thats what Iam missing here, when Iam writing a 3 hour post with good pictures and nobody is reading it.
@soekie, you won't make any money here if you keep making posts like this. Stop it.
Yes. You are right.
Many legit, honest, good content creators seem to be disenchanted and leaving seeing the amount of exploitaiton by certain whales and amount of scammers/abuser pooring in after tens of thousands of account were opened for countries such as Nigeria, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Algeria, Venezuela.
Sadly majority of users from these geo locations try to exploit the system by posting plagiarism and stealing identities.
I mean, I understand that many of them may be poor, but for fuck sake, is it that difficult to spend like 15-20 minutes to write something original and blog it (even in their own language to get support from local Curie curators)?
Instead of posting tens of thousadns of lazy copypasta or plagiarism trying to fish for curation on popular tags and mindless curation of some whales.
At the moment, like 1 post in 20-30 in "New" section is legit. Steemit has got an opinion of scam haven, because of that.
Hi Buddy, @contentking Sorry if I am wrong in any way. In my point of view some are lucky and most of the people have to hard work. But that hard work will give reward at some point. The kind of stuffs like posting picture take more $$$$$ are small term cats. We have to stay strong as bull and always have to provide good contents for our followers. They will truly follow you and will respect your work.
Some users are using services out there for upvotes but the followers you will get with your hard work will never leave you.
some are not interested for social monetary justice
It's revenge not justice. People feel envy and want to take revenge on those who are more fortunate to be rewarded more. It doesn't produce any justice.
Actually, I am not envious of anyone. I run a very successful online business.
I am glad for people when they do well. I am simply stating my opinion and saying that I see a lot of great content on SteemIt that doesn't get the attention it deserves.
I agree with you.. I want to bring valuable content in every single post. I spent hours on it and then got 3-5 dollars.
when I went to trending or hot section to see whats "in" and saw overvalued posts about crypto, posts with one photo and some toughts about it and 200 dollars payouts.. the same users in trending alsmot every day.. one has to be really humble to feel ok with it...
but I started to use bots to get some attention and it worked a little bit.. so now I get 6-15 dollars mostly.. it is not much, but still better than before.. I would be ok with all of it.. but I dont know how to feel about whales who have each other on autovoter. no matter their post value they got whale upvotes.. I tink it is not good for the system..
@marty-arts I'm seeing same thing as you, over and over. So the system on steemit is pretty aristocratic. In last week I'm in BW contest, but otherwise, we are pretty same with valuable contents and the time spent on every post.
There are many contests and even if you don't earn much you'll get new followers and more people with the same interests.
"I dont know how to feel about whales who have each other on autovoter. no matter their post value they got whale upvotes."
@marty-arts, I didn't know autovoters was a thing. Ugh! Disgusting. Definitely not good for the long-term stability & growth of the platform.
the thing is, autovoter is not good to use when your vote has value around 50 SBD and you give 100% of it for every post to one author. it brings him to hot or trending everytime he posts somethingand I stil ask myself "Is it fair?"@abijahchristos autovoter is not a bad thing.. when you know some author makes great posts every time and you want to support him it is good to use it. there are a few users who have me on autobvoter and I am really grateful for it. it is partly my motivation to stay at good level.
Please help me too to make a success of my business.
@soekie, posts like this will get your account flagged.
@abijahchristos true
You just blew all attention with your post. This is how easy it is to influence the mind. (Great animation by the way). - I found it very attempting at first to write and receive something for it from votes. Nobody noticed my articles. The same time I found very interesting thoughts on this plattform. I also found some very disgusting articles...and cat pics. I had hoped to leave those behind on FB. Slowly some people noticed my writings and gave interesting comment. Some cents came in as well.
I gave many thoughts to what steemit means to me. I enjoy good content good photos, new thoughts of crypto believers. I enjoy mostly that some people put real effort into writing. After some month on steemit I am learning to focus on what I like here. I am very happy that most articles are longer and more profound than "Like" if you read my posts (FB) I reward people for their articles I don´t need reassurance all the time that a community that only knows me virtually is checking me.
The steemit system is in my view not perfect, whales, bots, and all kind of trixters are around. That´s life , you find them always on the net. Believing to gain enough to live of writing here seems to me a romantic idea. - Still..with the crypto community , you never know. That´s the beauty about it. Keep on writing...
tell us how you really feel
This is the coolest thing I have seen today but what is it doing in this post??
Nothing :))
I propose very simple solution to this spam flood here on Steemit. We must just have ability to hide posts we don't like in our blogs. I thing that this is minor code change for the developers. If I can control content on my blog (what currently I can't) I can make thematically completed blog whit consistent themes and that will be my personal point of view.
If some from my followers resteem post which don't fit in my blog concept I simply hide it period.
If a content could be organized in way I propose people will start to visit blogs with content they like more and rewards will start do distribute more fair automatically.
It will also be nice to have multiple blogs on one account to organize stuff together by different themes, because people like to write about different stuff either.
If you support this two proposals let me know!!
i agree for 100%
Well written! Totally agree with you!
This...Just ...this.
I couldn't have put it any better, my fiend..
fiend?- no I meant friend, honest!
I agree with your thought!
I think there must be some kind of balance here and there so it would be a win win for all.
For that I think the strategy would be to follow more people rather than play the primadonna
Keep up the quality, that's what this platform needs. Some of my posts can take a few minutes, but usually they take hours or days (when programming). Gave you a 💯 because you put effort and you care. Don't be discouraged by the shitposts, quality always wins.
There are a high number of non quality low effort post (subjective I know) that win over quality as the current design of the platform allows for exploitation via inorganic voting. Maybe quality will win eventually but that time is not now.
That's the only reason I can justify buying votes. If I sink a few hours into something, and I believe it's quality content, then I'm not going to feel bad getting a little ROI from vote bots and the like. Besides, if I push it high enough, some like minded people might actually start commenting on it.
As Steem Pope, I have to point out that all vote bots are officially condemned in the Church of Steem. :D
we are all popes, hail eris? :P
But I think that you are "the Pope-est" :D
Nope. I am the only Steem Pope. This is so because I have decreed it. :D
Thanks God I'm an atheist ;) (on Steem Church)
lmfao ;)
You scorn the Steem Pope and reject the holy word of Blog? Prepare to be excommunicated!
Steem Pope... LOL!!!!
lol dumb
Oh ha haha of fource they fart.
dont you. lol
Patience is the virtue of success. I think a lot of people don't have it. Instead of just quitting right way, why not wait and let the time do the job. Who knows one day we will also be successful.
so true bro, the minnows are literally fucked. I have seen post receiving 400$ that are worse than posts with only 0.22$. Like you I'm also here to produce some valuable contents but those post get only 1 view (mine). What should I do to grow: Buy upvote?
Work hard and work smart... use the same tools available to everyone else.
Just work smart and not so hard.
Do not do that, Buying upvotes are not ethical. But we can make community and follow small and big real content makers and upvote them to grow together.
@zek, if you want to earn a few cents every day, all you need to do is join my daily zombie adventure games. It won't zoom you to the top, but it will move you a little each day.
Ko so true i taught it was a joke when it first started
Jokes can turn unfunny really fast!
so true
I dont know about @ned ,but if this the roadmap of steemit than the steemit will never be going to hit the roads again. Addressing is all the solution we got.
All time high price of Steem and members fighting over the reward pool. How does it look?
Steem dollar price now $8 . bittrex closed the sign up. No cash out! Perfect time to fight
What do you mean, they won't allow you to exchange your Steem for Bitcoin?
best comment, will up-vote in 6 days
onlymedia is just another comment spammer and plagiarist with fake female photo
Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.
Comment spam is currently defined by @steemcleaners as:
10 or more generic comments per day that are not in response to a question posed by the post or comment. “Thanks”, “Great Post!”, “Great Photo!”, “Good”, “Like”, “Nice”, “Wow”, “Cute”, “Follow me”, etc.
Commenting on old posts to hide self up-votes or a voting trail.
Copy/Paste comments that serve no purpose or the purpose is self promotion (including copying and pasting similar comments in rotating way).
Comments that inform the contributor that they have been up upvoted, resteemed, or flagged when the curator does not actually upvote, resteem, or flag the post.
Unsolicited and off topic referral links.
Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.
More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.
Over time the good posts will earn more and the community will benefit. So everyone has a chance to earn more.
Thank you
You are just here for the money. That is why you focus on the money.
Obviously that's not the case, or else I wouldn't still be here, would I?
Let us put empahsis on building a foundation on the platform over time!
He’s made over ten thousand USD complaining about other users. I don’t think he minds the way things are currently.
That called my eye too... @contentking just wrote that he makes pennies on his posts and I saw that he had some very big rewards... But, I think the problem is real, and It's just fair that they complain about it. 🤷🏽
What big rewards? I have a few posts that made $20 or $30 and one post I did a year ago that reached $100. Most of them make a few bucks if I'm lucky. I'm not really complaining about it. I'm just saying I would like to see more people who put time and effort into their content get rewarded a little better. That's all.
i'm sorry, you are right. I mistook some resteemed content with your own. I also came upon the post that was succesfull too...
My point is that everyone can complain about this issue, because everyone that's creating stuff and taking time would be doing better if the #reward system worked how it should.
Sorry again @contentking
Wow! I am not defending anyone! I want the system to work better! It looks like you are very angry. I don’t understand where is your comment coming from. Are you even answering me?
At least he doesn't post every few hours
If he makes one post complaining and someone else make three about an actual topic who should earn more? Right now they’re earning equally.
I know the feeling :) The same thing happened with me, spent a long as time on a post about Christmas, and it is right now sitting at 0,27 dollars xD But that is how it is, there's not much to do about it :) At least it was fun making the content
i agree with you
I think it'll have the opposite affect, people will see the true potential and it'll motivate them to come to the platform and create better content
My sentiments exactly.
Meet the new pimps, same as the old pimps....
Unfortunately this seems to be an issue here. I'm a new user, and signed up with the full expectation to make nothing. Some people blog to make money, and for those of you who do, this is a travesty. I suppose for myself it would just be a pleasant surprise if my content actually makes any substantial profit. To address the issue at hand , I will say this. Many people seem to LOVE this platform (including myself), and many trending posts are addressing the issue. I don't know how long this has been a major problem, but I would venture a guess that the developers are trying to figure out a way to fix it. I sure hope so , because it would be very sad to see Steemit collapse.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with blogging to make money, whether it be with your own website, or on a platform like Steemit.
Thousands of people make a great living from the Internet. I have a very successful online business that revolves around using my blogs to build email lists and then promoting digital products as as affiliate marketer. I have been doing it since 2008. I am not sure why anyone would consider the desire to make a living from writing a "travesty."
You misunderstood the context of my comment. I was saying that for those of you who do blog to make money, the issue at hand is a travesty to you and the site. I would love to make money blogging , but it isn't my primary focus at the moment. That is all. Not everyone is against you just because they may live their life by a different set of values. Please reread my initial comment, and see if you cannot understand the context a little better now that I have explained. Sorry for the confusion.
I would like it also to get some serious votes and money on mine, the thing is I am sitting long hours to ad some lovely recipes but there I get not 1 cent.
Please follow me if you can and up vote me too.
Just an FYI, it's not a good idea to beg for votes and follows. Some people don't like it and they will flag you. It doesn't really bother me, but some people hate it.
i followed you, follow me please
"rather than actually giving a shit about this blockchain and website."
Well in Ned's defense not giving a shit and letting others do the work is his business model.
i agree with you@contentjunkie
i agree with you
Agreed bro
Everytime I see that cat I start laughing! Great insight and cool post. If you care to see my posts...
well to make a stab at neds train of thought.
I think the idea here is that as the community gets bigger ned can't do everything himself, so teaching the community to deal with stuff itself is important.
although its not like the system is set up to deal with that in any way so he is either stupid or cashing out.
While waiting for the Steemit people to address the matter, I've done the next best thing - "Mute". If more people do this, it will help save some stress and dissatisfaction.
I already had to do this few times. Maybe I'll use this function again
good advice and simple solution
Thank you
Thank you
Robert@cendana287 Thank you for the upvote. Please follow too
Like getting a good post
that doesn't make the problem go away, just your use to humanity
I feel you on the issue. And I appreciate how passionate you are about this matter! haha thanks for this post!
Perpetual sincerity out suspected necessary one but provision satisfied.
Why a Lambo, specifically? I mean, sure, they're nice supercars, but there are others, too.
Now your talking !!! Keep on the STEEM
Ditch the Lambo, get the new Tesla Roadster and a Model X for half the price :D
yes tesla is a boom....roadsater is Awesome..
Excellent comment
Thanks bro ....
this one! this one!! 😎😎😀
You'll be HODling a very long time...
what can we do as individuals to make it better?
very nice post
Yes full of great information.
Please upvote and follow
You absolutly right :(
Steem is far from social platform with equal chances...
Now it is Whale Land, hope it will be changed.
i followed you, follow me . please
Not a cool approach to getting followers. Upvote what you like, follow content creators you like, and produce content to earn a following. Begging in reply to what others post will likely get you flagged.
up voted you
give me a vote kindly
Hi, I Just Upvoted You Please Upvote Me Back,Thanks
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Do you see the irony of what you just did @tahirafzal?
Seems like the strategy kind off pays to him :)
Its the typical type of person that doesn't read one word of a post , then comments this type of shit ! I see it all the time , "up vote for up vote BS !" he will soon be down voted to zero because he wont read or learn! 😒

I don't think he does.
In the meantime - it's the best you can do here - find funny and interesting people with similar understanding and humor.
Here's a tweet of mine from some time ago that Ned liked. I would take it that he agrees that Steemit was just a testing ground and that SMT's are the future. IOW, he may not really care what happens to it.
I think it is unfortunate for many users who put out great content are largely ignored. I understand some people have the backing of whales, but for content to be upvoted to such a large scale without, in my opinion, being looked at it is a bit frustrating..
Hopefully, things will change or get better sooner rather than later.
I like what you think. Some people are doing direct mining so just enjoy insist of thinking so much.
Lets Dance...
tu parles de toi sur toi joyeux dance
I am joining with faith. In due time all these things will be worked out. I just appreciate the suggestions early on.
Alright, but what can be done to change things?
agreed as it seems flagging does very little
i followed you follow me please
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I just want this platform to work. So I pledge to not upvote shit material.
You could also Flag shit material am a bit surprised an account with -18 is in my trending feed
Come here for the money and you'll leave with a lot less than what you expect. Come here for the people and you'll leave with a lot more than you expect... What good is the money if all you can do is spend it on yourself?
yeah grass is always greener.....
Lol.. so there are two people who are always on this Trending Page of Steemit. One is @Haejin with his crypto analysis articles and other is @berniesanders who is worried about the award that is going to those articles. It is funny that both on this trending page.
Agree. One of them creating "baloney analysis" and the other one complaining about it. But hey, they both are making a killing! They must be doing something right, or it just works in mysterious ways. Oh, i dont know. It is what it is. Here are two pennies, wish my voting power was higher =)
lol.. yeah.. you uttered the truth. Let me give you 8 pennies. :) Have a nice day.
Keep up the good fight bernie, we gotta get this issued fixed; it's just not fair for the rest of the users. The wealth inequality will be too much in this system; just like real life =/
Instead of blaming everything etc. Ask you're self. "Why" do these guys get more of the pool?
It's because they bring content people want to read, majority. Else they wouldnt be getting such a big slice of the pie.
We are the reason they are earning this much compared to everybody else here.
in addition they most likely have brought more new people onto this platform than most of us have and ofc. they should be rewarded for it.
Firstmover Advantage.
do you know how steem works? The majority of payout is dictated by the whales, not the smaller individual users. This is 1-2 people giving the majority of the rewards for this person
"It's because they bring more content people want to read"
No. Most of the big money stuff is trash. Boring, low effort, overwrought. That's what this whole post is about.
Yeh, but people still click it and read it? dont they?
Alright, but what can be done to change things?
Alright, but what can be done to change things?
The rich want a better world?
i followed you. follow me please..
I followed you so please follow me off a cliff ;)
I'm honestly so happy and thankful someone is standing up, most people at your level don't care about the lower guys. Also congratulations on your last post, $1000 absolutely insane.
i followed you,, follow me please
Follow yourself off the fucking platform.
While I'm pissed at the thought that people are getting away with murder with their 'meh' work, and my portraits are getting overshadowed, I wouldn't give up this platform just yet. I can feel the tides shifting.
shifting how?
i followed you follow me please..
hahhahahahaha @ned? If you want to change something go to the steemit repo and do some commits...
Whales are ruining the community through selling votes by bots
No value for content
anyway sir
Alright, but what can be done to change things?
Yes you're right, I see many still suck up to whales in fear of being flagged or in hopes of being upvoted
I agree that there is no support for steemit as a blogging platform now. I think the big guys are abandoning ship for tokens, apps, communities, and other errata. They seem to ignore the high-flying alexa ranking which is the reason content creators like me have any interest in the place at all.
I'm trying my best to help little guys get bigger. I hope there will be enough of us on the day the 7000 big guys disappear into their closed communities. No minnows will be welcomed after that and I predict steemit death in a week or two after communities get going.
I predict that the blockchain will survive and thrive. However, the blogging platform is on its way to disappearing even as new people flock in. I saw this same thing with tsu and "groups" and expect this ride to end shortly.
The communities will also die. 7000 people divided into 50 communities gives 140 steemers per community. Who joins a group with 140 people? No one.
Apenas comienzo a conocer este mundo fascinante, cada momento es una nueva oportunidad, para vivivir intensamente.
absolutely agree with,,if we don't get any help form it then whats the point of it... thanks a lot for the adding this topic .
You're absolutely right, but I think what is needed are suggestions and solutions. We are a great community. Suggestions should be made that would give minnows a fighting chance, the most obvious solutions would reduce the whales power, that's what @ned is affraid of, that they decided to take all their money off the system. What would happen to Steem then.
10 whales control 95% of the market.
very de-centralised indeed :) didn't you hear, every whale needs some money to buy second villa house :P
Great to see someone standing up, it's obvious @ned had good intentions but the system wasn't thought through to the finest detail.Seems his hands are tied, it's no wonder steem is undervalued.
I personally just use it as journal, for my art and poems.
Check out my latest poem
So true, what can be done?
Can I suggest steempbreak days or time. A certain day every week or time every day where Steem power takes a break . Curation is determined by the numberof votes rather than power of vote at that period. To give everyone a fair chance to and even the playing field
Wow great one..Carry on my friend ....I appreciate to your blog. Best of luck...
Ya can't complain now. Ya made a good buck on this post lol.😎
This platform is fairly new yall. Im sure the kinks will be resolved.
There has to be a level playing field otherwise what's the difference, whales at top need to give this attention. We are supposed to be a community of like minded individuals.
I truly Agree @berniesanders . But this is how @steemit works and addressing minnows is something more important topic right now as we are not getting enough popularity(steemit popularity)that this platform and we deserve
catch you and your whale friends later }:>

postYes sure shit is going on here and @ned is acting like a celebrity. I am also written a about it. Do a visit there and read. And I am requesting to everyone please post about this under #neddosomething !!!
43 flags in a matter of minutes, I haven't been flagged this hard since Roman times
@Ned and his team had built a platform that is an absolute historical revolution, and the best response you had for my rebuttal is to gang up on me with your rich friend who wasted their votes to supress my freedom of expression, that's all you did for me.
those users could've upvoted the original work I have been creating for SteemIt for months, and appreciated the effort I have put into making this a reputable site, but instead they ganged up on me and censored my free expression. some big balls you got.
I know I don't have much but I got you a rando vote and I voted this post. You do more than I can thank you for @berniesanders.
well thats kinda true...
This platform is for everyone inclincluding you, but not everyone is for this platform. You should be grateful to be here because at least you get insight of how other's business running.
yan3al jad waldine bok lhalof ya wald lahram
the problem is really that people value money over actual culture... Money represents emotion... Our society is devoid of emotion, so money is the only thing that make these zombies "feel". Playing the market of invisible money that brings zero value to anyone... I should know.. I'm in crypto.... Sadly nobody cares about culture in or out of crypto or regular corporate America, but whatever the case... Culture always wins the fight over the minds of men... Trading has 0 real world value... Culture helps people evolve past the matrix... Do what you feel is right, thats the best we can do for now!
As a fairly new user, I had no idea about problems like that...
Welcome to real world problems, haha!
Merci beaucoup! :)
Equal opportunities and community is the core foundation of steem. The abuse needs to stop. Thumbs up
equal opportunities do not exist under capitalism lmao
Every thing, system or technology, has a loophole. And that loophole can be exploited.
So no matter how well intentioned the system's creators were, they can't help it when their 'brain child' is raped by folks who are in it for the money!
So if you find a 'legal' loophole in the system, or whatever niche you find yourself. By all means. I say, USE it!
You started a fight for good cause. My support to you. I want to see good content on Steem.
Now I remember a post by you some time back. You were talking about leaving Steemit. For me as a user I want to see good content on Steemit. Nothing less and nothing more!
Everyone will be frustrated unless we cooperate and help each other
I didn't realize that so many of us are of the same opinion. Steemit does not reward value and that is a big flaw in the system. You can easily get disappointed with each post. The only reason I choose to remain is that I don't have to go through the hustles of maintaining my own blog. It is easy to publish and share content with other platforms. Why not just make all steemians equal votewise? This should be a quick fix. Otherwise this Washington like cronyism being perpetuated by the upvote bots will kill all the fun on this platform